I was trying to offer assistance to a fellow user by sharing a PHP file containing an API call we make to pull learning objects, when I quickly realized we can’t attach files! I shared a download link instead, which should still do the trick - I know there are likely some technical limitations to allowing files to be uploaded, but I could also see this feature coming in handy as the community grows!
Hey Dan!
I’m able to attach a file (screenshot below). It does seem it limits what types of files are allowed (mp4 not allowed, for instance). However looks like it supports .txt which could work!

Ah, It might be because of my user level. We’ll look into it with our community provider, thanks!
Excellent feedback
We limited this capability to Docebo employees initially but have heard from a few individuals that it would be helpful for all members to be able to attach files. We need a few final approvals internally before turning this on for all members, but expect to see an update from me by early next week on this post!
The file types we support are: .pdf .zip, .xml, .txt, .csv, .doc/docx, .xls/xlsx, .ppt/pptx
Please let me know if you have trouble attaching files. I hope this helps you better help others! Thanks for the idea.
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