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Is there a way to trigger notifications based on VALIDITY PERIOD, not enrollment date


Today is  January  10th , I enrolled the user 

Course Validity Period from january 16th to 31st 

I want the notifications such as User enrolled in a course or Learner has yet to complete a course- Both to be sent every 2 days after the Active day one-

Both notifications to be triggered during the Validity Period . Not from the enrollment date.



thank you 

 @lrnlab @Bfarkas @dklinger 

Hi @Isram yes of course. The template you want house is called, Course has Expired. It has the ability to send notices based on the validity date or due date. You can send it x number of days before and after the due date. You will need 1 version for each timeline though...e.g.; 1 sent 10 days before due date, another 1 day after the due date, etc.

Hello @lrnlab 

Thank you

The need is to send  2 notifications based on VALIDITY DATE . 

User enrolled in a course and  X number of reminders ( 4 )  during the validity period- This is for those who have not started  

Learner has yet to complete a course  and  X number of reminders ( 4 )  during the validity period- This is for those who have started the course but not completed  

As I understand ( your idea ) it is to use Course has Expired NOTIFICATION  change the body content as need it. 

However, this is the notification ,

The event  refers to???  Enrollment date?, Validity start date ?

Thank you 

it’s based on the Validity Date (or due date as I call it). The one called, Learner has yet to complete a course, based on the Enrolment date

RE: your first line…

User enrolled in a course and  X number of reminders ( 4 )  during the validity period- This is for those who have not started  

this notification can only be used once for the initial enrolment and cannot be sent multiple times for the same course/enrolment...did you mean to mention the one or another template?
