Hi all,
I’ve got a massive mandatory testing rollout coming up - one of the modules going out is SM&CR and our compliance function have split the module into several different versions, dependent on job role and SM&CR level.
Some of these versions are difficult to organise for as they apply to multiple different users with different job titles, branches, departments etc. and the easiest way I could think of organising it all is by setting up a different group for each version (some with quite complicated assignment rules - manual assignment was a no-go, we just have too many people working for our company!)
Long story short - is there a easy(ish) way to check:
- If there are any people in my user list who don’t belong to one of these groups, and
- If there are any people who appear in more than one of these groups (due to accidental crossover of assignment rules etc.)
Thanks as always for any help you can provide :)