Hi! I'm Karen

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Just wanted to introduce myself to the Colorado Users Group.  I’m Karen Mallette, aka KMallette/Viasat, Inc.

I’ve lived in CO for most of my life, with long stints in Idaho, Washington, Arizona and London. I hold a MSc from Colorado State University - Global in Online Teaching and Learning with an emphasis in Teaching and Learning. I also hold a BSc in Geology from Boise State University.

I’ve worked in tech since 1989, and in bleeding-edge tech since 2006. Literally, rocket science. Viasat has just recently (April 30, 2023) deployed the first of 3 GEO satellites that will have near-global reach. Over these satellites, we provide high-speed internet service.

I’ve been an LMS administrator for nearly 15 years, focusing primarily on herding cats 😂.  You know, getting learners into and then out of training. Most of our training is in the realm of ‘new hire’ so training results need to be forwarded to multiple other platforms. Currently that is mostly done manually, but I’m hoping that we’ll have new resources soon to begin automating much of that.

I’m happy to help others who are just starting out as LMS admins, or with standing up Docebo Learn. I’m open to zoom calls, etc.

4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hi Karen! Welcome to the Colorado user group! I’m excited to discuss Docebo with you and appreciate that you shared your background. I’m working on the formation of the group, but I’m hoping that we’ll start meeting around the second half of the year. 

Userlevel 4

@KMallette is awesome and she helped my team through some turbulent times with Extended Enterprise! 

Userlevel 3

Hi Karen, 

I used to live in Idaho too , where did you do your long stints?  It really is a beautiful state! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi Karen, 

I used to live in Idaho too , where did you do your long stints?  It really is a beautiful state! 

I was in Boise mostly at good ol’ BSU. Took my undergrad in geology there in ‘85.
