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Self-reg is not working for folks using the branch code set for them as they do not get access to all modules that CSV users can see on the page. Tried advanced settings and creating a group within it for self-reg (advised by our onboarding lead) but nothing is working. Any help is appreciated. 

Check and make sure the users self-registering are using the same branch code that is in the CSV. If so, I would open a support ticket.

Thanks- Yes the Branch code and name used in CSV and provided to self reg users are under the same spaces. 

@Adam Fitzpatrick - hi - it sounds like your concern is then based in your catalog permissions.

Take a look at what is in those permissions to understand what is different between them and your CSV enrollments.

And then a proposal - anyway you can leverage an enrollment rule to push the courses to people once they make it into that branch?

So we have no catalogs set up at this point. I did set up a group that I was told should push the self reg users to the correct branch and should have fixed the issue but so far no luck. 

@Adam Fitzpatrick - something sounds inverted there. You can use branch conditions that will map a person to a group. I dont believe you can use groups to map people to branches. Let me not brow beat you for a second….but I would definitely walk the mapping logic to see if it all connects.

No problem about not having catalogs - it sounds then like it is all about pushing for you (you all are so pushy 🤣) - I would compare the curriculum and review the enrollment rules to see how person A from the CSV got mapped to learning A….and then how user B got mapped to B. Something must be different between the two. If you are looking to get user B to be mapped to learning A? You should be able to walk it out and prove it as well.

if you are leveraging enrollment rules, this is where they seriously shine - as the audit trail should show you the mapping accordingly.
