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Hi everyone,

Can anyone let me know if there is a roadmap with “Learning Plan Admin Interface improvements” listed or similar?

This area of the LMS is really weak and difficult to use, and in the list of monthly releases ahead I cannot see anything about it. I raised this some time ago in the old ideas portal and discussions pre this community.

I’ve clicked on all the “ideas” about learning plans and worry they are not a priority by Docebo. I keep seeing things that for me are not at all important being released, maybe they are to others.

Our use case for the LMS requires them and now I have quite a lot of them, I actually hate having to deal with them in the LMS due to the admin interface weakness when compared with other parts of the LMS like course admin etc..

Fingers crossed something is due to be improved really soon!! 

We are using learning plans at a very simple level and they work for us.  One thing i have noticed since going live with Docebo and posting in this community is that we all seemed to need different things from the system.  I’m less bothered about them fixing learning plans, and more keen for them to improve, notifications, reporting, and booking on multiple sessions!  A lot of the ideas that have a lot of votes seem less important...but i guess we all have our own unique needs!



Agree that the learning plans as they are are quite confusing for the learner and a bit of a jumble of completed courses, enrolled courses etc. Would be good to provide the learner with more clarity with regard to where they are and what they need to accomplish as it might not be so obvious for everyone. 

I agree. Learning Plans need some work. They were one of the things we were promised that would be super-fantastic when we switched to Docebo and they are rather disappointing. 

Hello! I confirm that we have an update of the feature in progress, the release is planned later in the year.

Obviously the first thing that will catch the eye will be the graphic restyling of the user interface, which will be developed in a very similar way to that of Course Management (which includes filters and massive actions).

But the news does not end there: one of the main changes we want to include is the possibility of having optional courses within the plan and a greater flexibility in setting the completion criteria.
It will in fact be possible to complete a Learning Plan in a “total” way, as now, but also to define a threshold of courses (for example 7 out of 10, including all compulsory ones) or a threshold of credits (obtained by completing the courses) with the same logic.

We also have some usability improvements in mind and  support for massive actions in order to speed up maintenance activities on the admin side. We are also evaluating the a feature to let you duplicate Learning Plans with a couple clicks

That is great news! Will we be able to put due dates on the LPs when we assign them instead of having to add that after the fact? The mass-action is really going to be a game changer. :) 

Hello! I confirm that we have an update of the feature in progress, the release is planned later in the year.

Obviously the first thing that will catch the eye will be the graphic restyling of the user interface, which will be developed in a very similar way to that of Course Management (which includes filters and massive actions).

But the news does not end there: one of the main changes we want to include is the possibility of having optional courses within the plan and a greater flexibility in setting the completion criteria.
It will in fact be possible to complete a Learning Plan in a “total” way, as now, but also to define a threshold of courses (for example 7 out of 10, including all compulsory ones) or a threshold of credits (obtained by completing the courses) with the same logic.

We also have some usability improvements in mind and  support for massive actions in order to speed up maintenance activities on the admin side. We are also evaluating the a feature to let you duplicate Learning Plans with a couple clicks


Thanks so much, all of those features and enhancements sound amazing. One really happy customer if you can get these into the mix asap. Thanks for answering so quickly, much appreciated.

This can’t come soon enough! Will there also be additional editing/formatting of learning plans so we can have subtitles/sections and additional text/instructions? 

We’re at the end of the year and I haven’t seen anything on Learning Plan enhancements. What is the status of this? We signed on with Docebo with the understanding that this area of Learn would be significantly improved this year. The look and feel (need for headers, instructions, more visually appealing), optional courses, choose a certain number to complete, admin controls, connection to badging, due date overhaul. Also, being able to group learning plans would be awesome, but now I’m just being unreasonable. 😉 Please, please...dust off the LP and update it to this decade.

Hello! I confirm that we have an update of the feature in progress, the release is planned later in the year.

Obviously the first thing that will catch the eye will be the graphic restyling of the user interface, which will be developed in a very similar way to that of Course Management (which includes filters and massive actions).

But the news does not end there: one of the main changes we want to include is the possibility of having optional courses within the plan and a greater flexibility in setting the completion criteria.
It will in fact be possible to complete a Learning Plan in a “total” way, as now, but also to define a threshold of courses (for example 7 out of 10, including all compulsory ones) or a threshold of credits (obtained by completing the courses) with the same logic.

We also have some usability improvements in mind and  support for massive actions in order to speed up maintenance activities on the admin side. We are also evaluating the a feature to let you duplicate Learning Plans with a couple clicks


Hi riccardogalimberti and Adam Ballhaussen,

Can we please have an update on Learning Plans in particular the administrator interface updates and the exciting plans to renovate the whole learning plan experience?

I’m finding it harder and harder to manage all the learning plans I am using the current admin interface.

Any updates would be appreciated.

Hello! I confirm that we have an update of the feature in progress, the release is planned later in the year.

Obviously the first thing that will catch the eye will be the graphic restyling of the user interface, which will be developed in a very similar way to that of Course Management (which includes filters and massive actions).

But the news does not end there: one of the main changes we want to include is the possibility of having optional courses within the plan and a greater flexibility in setting the completion criteria.
It will in fact be possible to complete a Learning Plan in a “total” way, as now, but also to define a threshold of courses (for example 7 out of 10, including all compulsory ones) or a threshold of credits (obtained by completing the courses) with the same logic.

We also have some usability improvements in mind and  support for massive actions in order to speed up maintenance activities on the admin side. We are also evaluating the a feature to let you duplicate Learning Plans with a couple clicks


Hi riccardogalimberti and Adam Ballhaussen,

Can we please have an update on Learning Plans in particular the administrator interface updates and the exciting plans to renovate the whole learning plan experience?

I’m finding it harder and harder to manage all the learning plans I am using the current admin interface.

Any updates would be appreciated.

We’ve also asked about updates in this suggestion:


Curious to have news regarding improvements in the learning plan management experience. Most of our power user community is confused by the the learning plan experience and aren’t very much eager to build learning plans because of the hassle it represents. 

Some sources of frustruation here:

  • no possiblity to enroll users in bulk via CSV
  • bad UX > took us a while to figure out how to assign a learning plan to a catalog for example; why the need to go to the catalog to assign the learning plan? we should be able to do that from the learning plan directly, like it is the case in the course management area
  • no possibility to put a learning plan under maintenance
  • no possibility to group learning plans together
  • when enrolling to a learning plans users are enrolled to all the courses inside the learning plan all at once and they see all the courses individually in their “my courses & learning plans” area, this takes a lot of space and is confusing to the learner
  • no possibility to easily create a user learning journey
  • no possibility to add additional fields to learning plans 

Has there been any headway on duplicating learning plans? This would be amazing for my admins!

Has there been any headway on duplicating learning plans? This would be amazing for my admins!

100% agree, I keep working on an API method and it is very complex there as well.

Hello! I confirm that we have an update of the feature in progress, the release is planned later in the year.

Obviously the first thing that will catch the eye will be the graphic restyling of the user interface, which will be developed in a very similar way to that of Course Management (which includes filters and massive actions).

But the news does not end there: one of the main changes we want to include is the possibility of having optional courses within the plan and a greater flexibility in setting the completion criteria.
It will in fact be possible to complete a Learning Plan in a “total” way, as now, but also to define a threshold of courses (for example 7 out of 10, including all compulsory ones) or a threshold of credits (obtained by completing the courses) with the same logic.

We also have some usability improvements in mind and  support for massive actions in order to speed up maintenance activities on the admin side. We are also evaluating the a feature to let you duplicate Learning Plans with a couple clicks


Hi riccardogalimberti and Adam Ballhaussen,

Can we please have an update on Learning Plans in particular the administrator interface updates and the exciting plans to renovate the whole learning plan experience?

I’m finding it harder and harder to manage all the learning plans I am using the current admin interface.

Any updates would be appreciated.


Hi again, I’m really keen for a progress report please as this work has been on the go for a very long time. The UI for learning plans admin needs an urgent update and I’m finding it a big turn off in using Docebo now as I need a way to organise courses into plans and create dependencies in courses (which I would like to do outside of learning plans BTW). I find managing a huge list of Learning Plans in particular not being able to hide unpublished plans (or ones not visible in a catalogue) very difficult and prone to error. I don’t understand why this part of Learn isn’t a massive high priority given how integral it is to creating courses and a fundamental feature of an LMS.

agree.  I'm really struggling to think of ways to offer our programmes without the ability to have optional courses in learning plans.  an update would be great

But from what I saw, neither in this post nor in the link above was done anything, no update from the end of the year to here, am I correct? Did they change the layout of the display of the courses that was normal/good so as not to change anything in the LP? Functionalities that are extremely important to us are not really being taken into account.


We use the learning plan a lot because we provide long blended learning.
It’s very painfull to navigate between the several learning plan, also we only have the option to delete and not unpublished as we have for the course page.
Why the learning plan and the catalogue page are not the same as the channel or the course management page.
I read that an update will be published but since one year ago, nothing.

Hello @Adam Ballhaussen and @erin.brisson is it possible to get an update on the work on the management of, and configuration of Learning Plans?

I’m a massive advocate of the Docebo Learn platform, but this critical area of functionality is seriously dragging it down and making it way harder than it needs to be to manage and create learning solutions for people using the learning plan tool in Learn.

Thanks in advance for an update please.

Curious to have news regarding improvements in the learning plan management experience. Most of our power user community is confused by the the learning plan experience and aren’t very much eager to build learning plans because of the hassle it represents. 

Some sources of frustruation here:

  • no possiblity to enroll users in bulk via CSV
  • bad UX > took us a while to figure out how to assign a learning plan to a catalog for example; why the need to go to the catalog to assign the learning plan? we should be able to do that from the learning plan directly, like it is the case in the course management area
  • no possibility to put a learning plan under maintenance
  • no possibility to group learning plans together
  • when enrolling to a learning plans users are enrolled to all the courses inside the learning plan all at once and they see all the courses individually in their “my courses & learning plans” area, this takes a lot of space and is confusing to the learner
  • no possibility to easily create a user learning journey
  • no possibility to add additional fields to learning plans 

Adding to this:

  • No ability to select multiple learning plans and reset the date range for a selection of users or edit their enrollment period (or when in a learning plan to multiple select users and reset the date range or edit the enrollment period). This is not possible either through the API.
  • The new functionality of the archived enrollments should also be available in learning plans. 

Hello! I confirm that we have an update of the feature in progress, the release is planned later in the year.

Obviously the first thing that will catch the eye will be the graphic restyling of the user interface, which will be developed in a very similar way to that of Course Management (which includes filters and massive actions).

But the news does not end there: one of the main changes we want to include is the possibility of having optional courses within the plan and a greater flexibility in setting the completion criteria.
It will in fact be possible to complete a Learning Plan in a “total” way, as now, but also to define a threshold of courses (for example 7 out of 10, including all compulsory ones) or a threshold of credits (obtained by completing the courses) with the same logic.

We also have some usability improvements in mind and  support for massive actions in order to speed up maintenance activities on the admin side. We are also evaluating the a feature to let you duplicate Learning Plans with a couple clicks

Joining the calls for an update on this, I am trying to build effective learning plans on our relatively new Docebo platform and have been really surprised at the limited functionality, in particular not being able to split into sections / subsections or set optional / mandatory completion. 

Hello @Adam Ballhaussen and @erin.brisson is it possible to get an update on the work on the management of, and configuration of Learning Plans?

I’m a massive advocate of the Docebo Learn platform, but this critical area of functionality is seriously dragging it down and making it way harder than it needs to be to manage and create learning solutions for people using the learning plan tool in Learn.

Thanks in advance for an update please.

@erin.brisson  Hi, following up here as well. Could you provide and update on the status for the best answer here or direct us to the location to find more information on the projected timeline?

Curious to have news regarding improvements in the learning plan management experience. Most of our power user community is confused by the the learning plan experience and aren’t very much eager to build learning plans because of the hassle it represents. 

Some sources of frustruation here:

  • no possiblity to enroll users in bulk via CSV
  • bad UX > took us a while to figure out how to assign a learning plan to a catalog for example; why the need to go to the catalog to assign the learning plan? we should be able to do that from the learning plan directly, like it is the case in the course management area
  • no possibility to put a learning plan under maintenance
  • no possibility to group learning plans together
  • when enrolling to a learning plans users are enrolled to all the courses inside the learning plan all at once and they see all the courses individually in their “my courses & learning plans” area, this takes a lot of space and is confusing to the learner
  • no possibility to easily create a user learning journey
  • no possibility to add additional fields to learning plans 

We are in the process of migrating from all ala carte courses in our catalog to mainly learning plans.  All of the above are an issue for us.  Especially - the lack of a bulk enrollment option and the inability to add additional fields.


An update on when changes can be expected for learning plans would be greatly appreciated!


I echo the sentiments expressed by other posters and would appreciate an update on the progress of learning plan functionality upgrades.

The current limitation of not being able to mass enroll or unenroll users from learning plans via CSV poses a significant obstacle. This issue becomes particularly cumbersome for larger organizations, as what should be a straightforward process becomes excessively time-consuming. This is especially true when it comes to changing a user’s learning plan because enrollment in a learning plan means you lose the ability to unenroll users from courses via CSV; the added step of individually removing users from learning plans becomes a tedious task and causes headaches with trying to maintain accurate training compliance records.

Additionally, improvements such as the ability to change the status of a learning plan (published vs. under maintenance) and making courses within a learning plan optional would significantly enhance the usability of learning plans within Docebo.

An update on the status of these enhancements would be much appreciated. 

@erin.brisson @Adam Ballhaussen - this community of practitioners website is a very big positive for the Docebo products offering, but the lack of replies by Docebo staff to our questions (not just mine of course) asking for some news on features planned, ideas, etc.. does create a sour feeling about bothering to use it. Lots of amazing people answer questions every day which makes this amazing, but the ones we cannot answer often go unanswered for a long time.

Creating this environment to chat, discuss ideas, self-help is wonderful and well done, but it does come with some expectation that if we the users are seeking updates on key features or problems, and no where else are answers listed or hinted, it feels very negative and as if there is something to hide.

I hope you take this comment as it is intended to be open, honest, and constructive about how it feels to be ignored essentially, and that any updates are better than none. This discussion is a year old and has quite a lot of interest.
