So I am running into a weird problem that has ugly software logic written all over it.
I am trying to send email to learners enrolled in an ILT and using shortcodes so I can reuse the email as a template. Specifically it is to go out when a recording of an ILT event is available.
What I am finding is that while shortcodes are the same platform wide their application is specific to the where the email is sent from.
For example I have a session called Study Hall 2025 that contains an event called Welcome to the new year.
In any general ILT notification when I use “ session_Name] ‘_event_name]’ Recording Now Available” and I get “Study Hall 2025 ‘Welcome to the new year’ Recording now Available
But when I send an email at the course level it replaces those with the first name tag so I get “David ‘David’ Recording Now Available”
When I send an email from the session it reads “Study Hall 2025 ‘ ’ Recording Now Available” truncating the event name entirely.
So while the shortcodes are universally the same, they are not valid in all applications.
It seems like only the shortcodes listed as examples for the specific email you are sending are considered valid for that email.
Is this a bug? An intended feature? is there a workaround?
Starting here for groupthink before I send to support.
thanks in advance