
Looking for some help with an API call to update my existing sessions

  • 30 November 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi Everyone, 

    New to Docebo, this is my first post.  

I have been using the API to migrate data from our old LMS system.  I was able to create all of our old ILT courses and create sessions and events for each.  This issue is I did not specify the evaluation type when I created the sessions, so I need to do that.  I’m using:{{session_id}} as a put action

Here is my code body: 

"name": "{{session_name}}",
"code": "{{session_code}}",
"min_enroll": 0,
"max_enroll": 500,
"score_base": 0,
"enrollment_deadline": "{{start_date}}",
"evaluation_type": 2,
"min_attended_dates_for_completion": 1,
"custom_rsvp_enabled": true

and here is my result:

"name": "Bad Request",
"message": [
"Invalid parameter: evaluation_type"
"code": 1002,
"status": 400

Anyone have an idea why it’s not accepting evaluation type 2?  It works when creating a class.  I’ve tried different numbers, with and without quotes.  I’m just not sure what the API is looking for.  The API example just says: “evaluation_type” : 0  

Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


2 replies

We’re looking to update the external calendars’ RSVP feature on some courses via the API but it doesn’t look like that field is available.

Is that what custom_rsvp_enabled is referring to? 


I don’t use the calendar RSVP function, so I’m not sure, but here is what api schema says about that parameter:


Check for enable/disable custom option for the rsvp into session. When set, this overrides the course one (when the RSVP toggle is OFF this parameter will be ignored). Allowed values: null, false, true. Default value is null
