
Successful Skills Launches

  • 9 January 2023
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 1


My company has been primarily focused on product based learning for a long time but with the growth we have seen in our company we feel it is time to add to the type of learning we provide focusing on soft skills and growth and development. I have been doing quite a bit of research into Docebo Skills and have begun a pitch deck for our upper management to review and hopefully approve for us to move forward with implementing Skills in our platform. 

I wanted to reach out to the community and ask you all to share with me what has made the implementation of Skills successful in your company? Have you seen an increase in retention after implementing Skills? What other measurables have you been able to leverage since implementing skills? Do you have any recommendations for e-learning content providers that isn’t Go1?

I really appreciate anyone willing to take a moment to help me out with this!

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