Hide course validity dates banner

Userlevel 4
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When I turn on validity dates for a course there is a banner that shows on the top of the course page saying DEADLINE: THE COURSE EXPIRES IN XX DAYS. I don’t want any mention of a deadline. However, we need the validity dates turned on so we can use the Notification tool to let users know their deadline is approaching. Does anybody have a way to turn this banner off or a good workaround?

8 replies

Userlevel 3
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Someone else may know how to disable it if possible, I don’t, but - a workaround could be to change what the statement says using the Localization tool. Essentially it will allow you to replace the phrase with some other text. So you could replace it with some more innocent text like “Don’t forget to use your resources!” or “Best of luck in your course!” or some such.

  1. Open the Localization page
  2. Search “Deadline”
  3. Look through results - there are two that have this phrasing, one is when there are days left and one when there are hours left, I would replace both
  4. Click the text in the right column and change it to innocuous phrasing that doesn’t mention a deadline
Userlevel 4
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Perhaps you can utilize CSS to hide that element.

Userlevel 4
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Thanks for those suggestions. I also noticed that the My Activities - Courses page has a column for Expiration Date and it now has a date in the column. Is that in the Localization tool? Or, if it is available via CSS can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!


Userlevel 4
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You can try this CSS for hiding it from the My Activities page:


    display: none;


Userlevel 4
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Please ignore the CSS mentioned above. I've just realized that it will only remove the header and not the data. I apologize for any confusion caused.

Userlevel 4
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@Chelsy Koshy your post made me think. If it is possible to remove the header, it must be possible to change the wording. What is the CSS to change wording? I appreciate your help, I am a self-taught CSS newbie.

Userlevel 7
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@Chelsy Koshy your post made me think. If it is possible to remove the header, it must be possible to change the wording. What is the CSS to change wording? I appreciate your help, I am a self-taught CSS newbie.

If you are changing wording….it really should not be CSS, hopefully it is available in the localization tool to update proper, Sarah posted those steps above.

Userlevel 4
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@randallsim, As @Bfarkas mentioned, it is not possible to modify the wordings using CSS. The best approach to modify the wording is through localization.
