
Images in HTML widget look fuzzy

  • 15 February 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I’m playing with the layout of a page and I’m using the HTML widget to display several clickable images (images which are in the image repository found on the WYSIWYG).  For some reason they appear just sliiiiiiiiiightly fuzzy, even though they are high resolution images. 

Any suggestions for fixing this? Maybe I’m sizing the images incorrectly?

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Realize this was a year ago but @Annarose.Peterson did you ever figure out a fix for this? I’m using a background image (1390px wide) for a full width html widget and it is slightly fuzzy no matter what I’ve tried. Fortunately it isn’t so bad that it is a showstopper but definitely noticeable to me.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Realize this was a year ago but @Annarose.Peterson did you ever figure out a fix for this? I’m using a background image (1390px wide) for a full width html widget and it is slightly fuzzy no matter what I’ve tried. Fortunately it isn’t so bad that it is a showstopper but definitely noticeable to me.

No, not really.  It was a while ago, but I think the problem stemmed from me using an image that was saved from Snagit.  When I got the image from Photoshop it was less fuzzy.  
