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Hey Docebo Experts!!


I hope you are doing well. Two of our customers use Docebo for their learning needs, they want us to integrate with their Docebo instances. We are learning content provider with a huge library and I understand that we can build our connection by getting access to sandbox from one our Docebo customers. I have a couple of questions:


  1. Can we create a Global Connector that any Docebo customer can use?
  2. Or do we have to build this connector time and again for each customer?

I am sorry if this question has been asked earlier. In that case, if anyone can point me to the discussion earlier, would be super helpful.

Hi - I believe if you establish the architecture for your connector the right way? You can actually become a Docebo Content provider. If you go that route, you are in a better position to have your content streamlined into the system...and Docebo instances then have a greater chance of reusing your content. 

I would inquire along those lines to your nearest Docebo CSM - as Docebo development must have some established best practices to establish a connector for content providers/aggregators. 

@dklinger is spot on, this is the ideal path. I have heard that becoming a partner is not a quick and easy process. Another route you can take is to work with Docebo to add a “recipe” to Docebo Connect to provide the global connector you are suggesting. Docebo does charge their customers for Connect so work out the details for the structure that supports your desired outcome. Again, as @dklinger said start with a Docebo CSM. 

Thanks for your replies!


It does make sense, but because becoming a partner can take a long time, I was thinking of probably starting to build a connection for one of our customer and then in parallel we can start process of becoming Docebo Content partner.


Is there a starting point where I can read some technical documentation on building a connector? Actually I have a lot of doubts on creating / approaching recipes salthough I always thought i was a good cook!]. Specifically my doubts are around:

  • creating recipe for content / catalog first-time sync
  • Regular sync
  • Reporting recipe

Any documentation on understanding recipes for this use case would be very useful, if any. Or do you think having access to sandbox from customer would be better?



You probably want to start with the Docebo APIs.

And Docebo Connect documentation (which is Workato).

AND YES - access to a sandbox would be a smart way to go but openly I dont know how many things “stay connectable” because I dont have a sandbox to play in.

