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Missouri User Group

  1. What would you like to name the group? Missouri User Group
  2. Who would this group be for? Docebo admins who are located in Missouri. This group would be used to network, share best-practices, and share workaround solutions during in-person or virtual quarterly meetings.
  3. How would individuals benefit from this group? This would also be a wonderful way to network with other companies who use Docebo within Missouri and to learn from one another. I had participated in something similar with a different LMS and it was great especially when the LMS had a customer meet up in our area!
  4. What sort of topics would you like to cover in this group? During the user group meetings, the alternating meeting host will coordinate the meeting logistics. We will have 1-2 customers share best-practices/tips & tricks/custom workaround solutions/system knowledge/etc., then host a Q&A session. 
  5. Would you be willing to serve as a group owner? I would like to co-host this group with others who are interested.

This group could also include Illinois that is close to St. Louis.

If you created the group, I’d like to be added.



Lynn Sgouros

St. Louis

Hi @erin.brisson, can we create a group for Missouri?
