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Welcome to the Group Requests Category!


This post explains the purpose and themes within this category.


What is this category about?

In this category, you’ll find posts from other individuals seeking to create groups of like-minded Docebo experts. Scroll through the posts and see if there are any group ideas you’d be interested in. If so, voice your interest so that a group will be created!


What can I do here?

You can request a new group by creating your own post, or voice your interest in someone else’s group by replying to their post.


You can post Questions and Conversations in any category. Conversations are the most common type of post in this category.

Questions are in Q/A format. They can have best answers, which give points to the user that posted the solution and highlights the answer for everyone to easily find. Make sure to mark an answer as best if it solves your problem.

Conversations are for open-ended discussion. Got something you’re curious about discussing, or looking for opinions? Start a conversation, and see who joins in.

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