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Good day Community!
I was curious to know if anyone had come up with code that could hide the point value that appears on badge ribbons. There's some concern in my organization that even if we set the point value to 0 for each badge we create (as we're going for a less competitive approach to badging), users will find it odd to see a line of 0s across their awarded badges. 

Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you!




There  are a few considerations here.

Do you want to hide just the text and keep the ribbon? Remove both?
There are two different areas - widget and legacy gamification page.

I will post some codes and you can mix/match them how you wish.

I believe these will cover it but please test for conflicts and let me know if there are any other remaining aspects to remove.

/** Removes the score only from the black flag on widget **/

.badge-score {
display: none !important;

/** Removes the score only from the black flag on gamification page **/

.flag_text {
display: none !important;

/** Removes the black flag on gamification page **/

img.flag {
display: none;

/** Removes the black flag on widget **/

.list-badges-content > li::before {
display: none;

Hope this helps!

It’s helpful indeed. Many thanks @gstager!

Love this post, and thank you @gstager again for your wisdom.  I went one step further and took off the badge counter too.  So much cleaner and uncluttered!

.badge_counter {display: none !important;}



Many thanks for the addition @Neil Patterson. This gives me quite a well-rounded set of solutions to present to my stakeholders. 😃

Is there a way to get rid of the badge counter in widgets as well?  Check this out:  It is gone from the gamification page, but not from widgets that show badges:  (see the greyed-out part on the left of the screen, vs. the gamification on the right)


