
Changing Catalog Image Aspect Ratio via CSS?

  • 23 June 2022
  • 2 replies

Hey there! 

Upper management would like us to make Docebo look more like our new AEM-built websites...their main focus is to have the Docebo catalog images have the same look and feel as carousel images being used on our websites.  

Docebo’s catalog images are 2:1, while our AEM website carousels support 1:1. Is there a way to adjust how Docebo’s catalog images are displayed so we can accommodate management's request? The vertical, rectangular catalog cards are fine, we’d just need to make the card images square versus elongated horizontally. 


Thank you in advance for your insights and expertise! 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@Katie C - hi - a picture is worth a thousand words….can you pass along a visual of what you are trying to achieve?


Sure thing! 

This is the sort of one-to-one image ratio we’re looking to achieve: 


Versus this: 


