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Morning CSS hackers….a question that I thought I would not have to tackle for a little but is being driven by more and more inquiries by our managers after some training on the My Team view….

Folks are getting antsy about the Expired Date shown in the summary.

For things that are not leveraging roaming certifications but a deadline was issued? It is gonna get people nuts...and I can see us answering it forever…...OR…..

can the row Expired Date be hidden with CSS????? Have you tried tackling it? @gstager - that magic inspector of yours (just kidding)...has it looked at trying to refine that one?

maybe a silly question but if you add a due date to a course, why would you want to hide it?

You wanna hide this?



If you want to hide that column, give this a shot.

As always - please test - not sure if these puppies will move around based on other settings or not.

If this isn’t what you’re after - get me a screenshot to help me find it.

/** This will hide the Expiration Date Header **/
#course-management-grid_c4 {
display: none;

/** This will hide the cells under the Expiration Date Header **/
#course-management-grid > div.gridItemsContainer > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) {
display: none;


You wanna hide this?


maybe a silly question but if you add a due date to a course, why would you want to hide it?

@lrnlab - Because the systems usage of Expired Date versus the human side is confusing folks on my end enough? That we either need to consider our options - weither impact the UX a bit more directly? Or we go the passive way. With multiple attempts on the way? Expiration is going to take on a very important meaning as we recertify people into courses with a roaming modality - for now though I think taking it away will minimize steps in the right direction...

@gstager - Gonna have to send you a case a beer to cover all of my CSS asks.

Here is an idea - start a CSS corner...and monetize...NO NO NO - I am kidding.

Thanks Greg.
