Text Editor Options

  • 9 February 2022
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

A recent conversation had me thinking about some of the text editor options out there.

I thought it would be a curious discussion about what everyone prefers.

Personally - I am not a fan of the native Docebo editor for code.

At a minimum - I would like the code to remain exactly as I placed it there. Don’t re-format my stuff and don’t strip things out - especially harmless things like comments.

Here are some free options I have used over the years.




Visual Studio Code

Atom - This one is my current “Go To” for writing up code before pasting it into various platforms and programs.

So what is your favorite editor?

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Notepad++ for sure.  I have also used DreamWeaver.

Userlevel 7
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Notepad++ was my first editor beyond the Notepad that comes free with your PC. I also used DreamWeaver back when I obtained a teacher license for CS3. (Nostalgia moment)


Over time, I came to prefer other tools and - honestly - came to prefer building from scratch with an editor. I never cared much for Website builders such as Google Sites due to the many limitations. Using an editor alone allows for the most freedom.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

I must admit I like Blue Griffon http://www.bluegriffon.org/  Try it out (it’s free)

Userlevel 4

I’m using Visual Studio Code. 

But at least the CSS editor in Docebo has become useful. It has color and all that neat stuff now. 👍

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I must admit I like Blue Griffon http://www.bluegriffon.org/  Try it out (it’s free)

Thanks for sharing that, Gary.

I admit that I have not heard of Blue Griffon.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I’m using Visual Studio Code. 

But at least the CSS editor in Docebo has become useful. It has color and all that neat stuff now. 👍

Good to know there has been improvements.

I wouldn’t mind being able to resize the window and if they could add the color and line numbers to the part for the training material CSS - that would be great.
