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A recent conversation had me thinking about some of the text editor options out there.

I thought it would be a curious discussion about what everyone prefers.

Personally - I am not a fan of the native Docebo editor for code.

At a minimum - I would like the code to remain exactly as I placed it there. Don’t re-format my stuff and don’t strip things out - especially harmless things like comments.

Here are some free options I have used over the years.




Visual Studio Code

Atom - This one is my current “Go To” for writing up code before pasting it into various platforms and programs.

So what is your favorite editor?

Notepad++ for sure.  I have also used DreamWeaver.

Notepad++ was my first editor beyond the Notepad that comes free with your PC. I also used DreamWeaver back when I obtained a teacher license for CS3. (Nostalgia moment)


Over time, I came to prefer other tools and - honestly - came to prefer building from scratch with an editor. I never cared much for Website builders such as Google Sites due to the many limitations. Using an editor alone allows for the most freedom.

I must admit I like Blue Griffon  Try it out (it’s free)

I’m using Visual Studio Code. 

But at least the CSS editor in Docebo has become useful. It has color and all that neat stuff now. 👍

I must admit I like Blue Griffon  Try it out (it’s free)

Thanks for sharing that, Gary.

I admit that I have not heard of Blue Griffon.

I’m using Visual Studio Code. 

But at least the CSS editor in Docebo has become useful. It has color and all that neat stuff now. 👍

Good to know there has been improvements.

I wouldn’t mind being able to resize the window and if they could add the color and line numbers to the part for the training material CSS - that would be great.
