​​​​⚠️ New Permissions required for Microsoft Teams

  • 1 December 2021
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 7
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When configuring the Docebo App in Azure for the Microsoft Teams integration the openid permission in the OpenID permissions menu is now required.


Required permissions now include:

  • the openid option in the OpenID permissions menu
  • the offline_access option in the OpenID permissions menu
  • the read.user option in the OpenID permissions menu
  • the OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite option in the OnlineMeetings menu

If Show Meeting / Event Instructor Calendar option is enabled in Docebo, then this permission is also required

  • Calendars.ReadWrite

After updating your permissions, a new Client Secret is generated. Make sure to copy this client secret and update your MS Teams account in Docebo and re-pair the app.


For reference: Docebo for Microsoft Teams

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@erin.brisson does it apply to new configuration or does it mean, that all existing pairings will no longer work? Since/from when?

Hi @alekwo we recommend updating existing Microsoft Teams Integrations with these permissions to avoid errors when updating or accessing Events where Teams is currently configured. 


The Teams documentation states that during re-pairing, these API permissions should be removed. Is this documentation correct? It seems odd that you need to add them when creating the initial connection, but if you need to re-pair, you need to remove them. 


Re-Pairing Docebo for Microsoft Teams with Azure


“Click now on the API permissions tab. Click on the ellipsis button in the Microsoft Graph row and select Revoke All Admin Consents. Then click on the Yes remove button in the pop-up confirmation window.”


Thanks for any insight.




