
Admin Dashboard - can anyone define Sessions and Enrollments?

  • 20 June 2022
  • 7 replies

Userlevel 4

I was hoping you could define something for me, I’ve been trying to find the answer and have not received any responses.

On the Admin Dashboard

Can you define SESSION and ENROLLMENTS?

Is a session each time someone logs in? Or is it each time someone completes a training item?

I hope Course Completion is self-explanatory.

Are Enrollments NEW people logging in for the first time? Or is the 303 Weekly the AVERAGE?

We do NOT enrolled 300 people each week. It is a stretch for me to believe that is even an average.

Or is this UNIQUE Users who have accessed the system this week? No that can’t be it as the number for today wouldn’t be 0.  

I would really like to know where that 303 weekly number comes from. I can’t imagine that a typical week we enroll more than 100 new users. Sure there might be spikes if I run an update from an AZURE report, but I only do that maybe once a Quarter. And I’m sure there hasn’t been anything in the past couple weeks to spike this number over 300.

I would like to start sharing these numbers in a report but can’t until I understand what they are.

The knowledge base article which Help keeps sending me to does not contain this information and I am tired of getting sent there.,areas%20available%20in%20the%20dashboard

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

HI @tschoone as I understand it, Sessions records a ‘tick’ each time the user accesses any learning object. Enrolments should represent the total number of users who enrolled in a course, regardless of progress. Enrolments would also include any enrolments done while testing courses, etc.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @tschoone - Thanks for this post. It’s something I’ve often wondered about.

Hi @lrnlab  - When you say “Sessions records a tick each time the user accesses any learning object”, do you mean that multiple sessions are recorded if a user accesses multiple learning objects during one sitting? Or do you mean that one session is recorded for each sitting during which a learner accesses at least one learning object?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@Daniel I believe it’s each time the user accesses at least one object but that would depend on the content as I think SCORM objects would log separate sessions. I had support explain it to me a little while ago and now I thinking I need to ask them as I cannot find the chat transcript to confirm...

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi @lrnlab and @tschoone 

I confirmed this with support and will summarize their response below for future reference.

Sessions: The number of sessions refers to the amount of times a particular learner has entered a particular course and accessed its training materials. If the learner enters multiple courses, these will be counted as multiple sessions because each course is considered a separate entity. However, if a learner enters the same course multiple times, this will be counted as a single session.

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Thanks for the follow up @Daniel it’s a tad crazy this isn’t clear somewhere.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Thx @Daniel appreciate your update...still not sure it all makes sense...LOL...and in the end, is this data of any real use?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @lrnlab - I use the data to monitor the traffic on our site, but I could never understand why the sessions always exceed the number of users accessing the site on any given day. I’m glad to have finally solved this mystery😀

