

  • 31 January 2023
  • 1 reply


I am looking for clarity as to how certifications actually work - we have several courses (88 to be specific) that need to be taken on an annual basis (based of of the users completion date) - We created a certification for the 2022 year which worked well. However, when attempting to create the 2023 certifications we were not able to link the 88 courses to it. Can someone advise as to how to best proceed here as we need to do these yearly. I am thinking that we need to un-assign the courses from the 2022 year in order to assign those same courses to 2023; however, want to ensure that the history of 2022 is not lost for compliancy reasons. Any insight or guidance is appreciated. 

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Not sure I follow...a certification can be set to allow users to re-take the same courses so if the 2022 version worked, users should only need to click “RENEW” from the Certifications tab of their personal summary to access the courses.was this your intent or are your 2023 courses different from the 202 versions?

Only issue with this is that the user course completion will be reset.


So if that doesn't work, you would need to build new versions of your courses.

That said, there is a new feature coming soon called enrolment archive. Not quite sure how it will all work but it’s supposed to allow us to arrive the current completions to the user personal summary and reset the course. This may be what you need.
