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Group management - User added to multiple groups

  • 2 March 2022
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 2



I have been experimenting lot with group management and auto enrollment based on our needs. I succeed to a good extent in achieving desired results but I am stuck at one point.


Use case: We have learners (90%) they have to do a preliminary course on the platform. Based on the course results they are assigned to different groups. We have created custom home pages and assigned to those groups. At page level, the visibility is based on the groups and not on the branches.

Lets say, when the user is doing a preliminary course they are in group A (manual group). Later the user added to a different group B based on the result (automated group set on the condition). Basically user will be part of two groups and two custom pages. Both the custom pages should be accessible to the user by Menu (that’s the goal)

The bottleneck is:

  1. I manually add users to the Group A via csv.
  2. I can’t make Group A automatic since I can’t remove the user. I did not set any condition since 90% users will have to be in this group initially.
  3. After the preliminary course result the user is added to Group B
  4. When a user is part of both Group A & B, they can only see page related Group A and not Group B
  5. Then, I manually remove a user from Group A so that he/she remain only in Group B and when they are in Group B they can see both the associated pages.


My question is:

  1. How can I remove user from Group A automatically so that they remain part of Group B only?

I know it sounds like a riddle and it’s a specific workflow that I have created. I am just missing the last piece of puzzle. Thank you.


Best answer by lrnlab 7 March 2022, 16:10

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@abhijeet.dalvi if you add users to a group manually, they can only be managed manually so you would never be able to remove them from that group automatically unless you make the group automatic based on a condition that would eventually change that would remove them from the initial group...sometimes you need to add a new additional field to the user profiles in order to automate a group...perhaps you can explore this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

This is a really good question @abhijeet.dalvi.

@lrnlab got down the nuance. This may not sound helpful, but I think a “better practice” is to always leverage automatic groups and flagging an account with a field dedicated just to making the group. The CSV uploads can drive your group changes….but you will doing that at the user profile level.

Note: Dont go too crazy with this by creating a hundred user fields to keep all of your data dynamic….start with one custom field for flagging for something very particular...and see the outcome.

Personally? I think the detail should involve a lifecycle…..things should start as dynamic….then become static….and eventually deprecate.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

This is a really good question @abhijeet.dalvi.

@lrnlabgot down the nuance. This may not sound helpful, but I think a “better practice” is to always leverage automatic groups and flagging an account with a field dedicated just to making the group. The CSV uploads can drive your group changes….but you will doing that at the user profile level.

Note: Dont go too crazy with this by creating a hundred user fields to keep all of your data dynamic….start with one custom field for flagging for something very particular...and see the outcome.

Personally? I think the detail should involve a lifecycle…..things should start as dynamic….then become static….and eventually deprecate.

I like this, something to keep in mind is many times the additional fields will be purposeful or useful for other items so ok to make a dedicated, but there is a cap on additional fields so you want to make new ones purposefully. In some misc. cases or spaces when you might need a lot of value types, if you can group it into a field and just do comma separated values it works as well based on contains, just be careful with duplicate letter combinations, abbreviation keys help with this. Things like license types etc. we do this with where traditionally there were about 50 yes/no fields covering them, now its one of  alist of their licenses.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@Bfarkas - yep. So if you use the “static groups” field to load them….then you also are building leveraging an automatic group….which comes with perks. We leverage the value-comma method that you well described when something is being leveraged from our HRIS team (see there? you have “a method”).
