
LinkedIn Learning Language error

Userlevel 6
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Can anyone advise.  Tried connecting to linkedin learning though the market place which worked, However when we try to import a course I get an error:   “Invalid value passed for field language: english”

Does anyone know why?

7 replies

Userlevel 6
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just to add - it imported to the CLOR but didn’t create the course (that was what  failed) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

That’s odd...haven't done an import from LinkedIN in a while so cannot say for sure...have worked with other 3rd party providers and sometimes their language coding looks more like this: en-us, en-ca, rather than what Docebo looks for: english...I would reach out to support as this may be the sign of a bigger issue.

Userlevel 6
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ok just in case anyone needs to know.  Our language was set to ENGLISH_UK.  The linkedin learning module was ‘english’  which mean it failed.  I just simply needed to go to the localisation tool and activate ‘english’ and it worked.


however my next issue is that when users complete a linked in learning module through the LMS, it doesnt register their completion.  maybe this isn't possible.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Are you asking about back tracking the completion of a course from Docebo to LinkedIN? If so, I don't think the marketplace courses work this way. We do something similar with Skillsoft but have to download their AICC packages from their site in oder to have an ‘active’ connection to the same user profile in Skillsoft. It’s a slightly different type of implementation. 

Userlevel 6
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the other way around actually.  import course from linked in, enroll on course in docebo, complete course, users sees course complete in docebo.  i was guessing the link may not work but thought i might as well ask.



Userlevel 7
Badge +8

OK I see...not sure that’s possible as you would need to somehow connect what you have on Docebo to LinkedIN. We did this as well but it was all manual completion report from 3rd party and upload the completions to the equivalent courses in Docebo.

Userlevel 5

ok just in case anyone needs to know.  Our language was set to ENGLISH_UK.  The linkedin learning module was ‘english’  which mean it failed.  I just simply needed to go to the localisation tool and activate ‘english’ and it worked.


however my next issue is that when users complete a linked in learning module through the LMS, it doesnt register their completion.  maybe this isn't possible.

I just hit exactly the same issue and figured out it was because our default is english_uk and English was deactivated in our setup
