
VIdeo stopping when clicking outside window

  • 15 June 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 3

I hope someone can solve this!

Our users want to take notes while watching the course videos. They either were opening a PDF or word document and tooknotes while watching the videos.

But now, we are having complaint that they can’t do it anymore as the video stops as soon as they click outside the LMS window. 

Any idea how to fix this?

Thank you :)

1 reply

Userlevel 4

Hello @dr.reinhardt ,

Paolo here, I am a Product Manager here at Docebo, thank you for posting your question in our Community.

This functionality is intended, and it’s related to a specific option within “Advanced settings” > “Advanced” section, specifically “Disable simultaneous access with the same account”.

You can read more at this article in our Knowledge Base:

If the user is viewing a video training material inside of a course and has more than one tab opened on the same browser, when he/she leaves a tab, the video is paused in the tab he/she left.


Disabling the mentioned option, users can keep playing videos while opening new tabs.

Thank you

