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If you’ve been looking for the secret sauce served up by Docebo’s Learning Award’s finalists, you’ve come to the right place! 


A special thanks to@crblue85@Annie Woodle, and the entire Nurse-Family Partnership Education Team for their efforts in building a fantastic learning experience. This guide was a combined effort on their parts, and we appreciate their desire to share it with the community. 😊


In this guide, you'll learn how Christina Blue, Manager of Education Services; Annie Woodle, Manager of Instructional Design; and the Education Team at Nurse-Family Partnership designed and delivered ResourceHub via Discover, Coach & Share. NFP were finalists for the Best Learning Experience Design Inspire Learning Award in 2022 for the outstanding results they achieved after launching ResourceHub. If you're interested in learning more about their achievements, check out their DU Live webinar on How to Drive Learning with Discover, Coach & Share.


Table of Contents



Overview and Objectives

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the education team at Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) created a social document library called ResourceHub utilizing Discover, Coach & Share. Through this initiative, our team was able to effectively support 2,400 nurses in a transition from an outdated internal website called the NFP Community to the ResourceHub.


Prior to launching ResourceHub, our team analyzed learning needs and identified two main gaps:

  • Nurses were accessing materials, guidance documents, and other critical support assets from an outdated, siloed websites that were difficult to navigate and had minimal search functionality

  • There was no central location for nurses to collaborate and share information with each other and subject matter experts

Our goal was to create a one-stop solution where individuals could access all formal and informal learning resources, access subject matter experts, and collaborate and share information with each other. Our team considered many solutions, and ultimately selected Docebo Discover, Coach & Share. 


The social learning features in Docebo’s Discover, Coach, and Share enabled us to:

  • Centralize 272 supplemental materials, nursing practice guides, and important documents into a single source, eliminating the need for nurses to collect information from multiple siloed webpages and sites.

  • Crowdsource our knowledge by assigning experts from the NFP head office to specific topic channels within the platform.

  • Provide nurses with up-to-date versions of content in an easily searchable and streamlined way.

We branded the experience as ResourceHub to synchronize with the rest of our Docebo platform, named LearningHub. We developed a custom ResourceHub menu page that was organized according to familiar NFP program topics to help nurses easily locate information.


The NFP ResourceHub page (above) provides a quick access portal to common NFP topic categories.


This update to our education and information delivery processes has had a positive impact on our responsiveness to the network’s needs, nurses’ engagement with the content, and the timeliness of the delivery of NFP materials.


The Discover, Coach & Share application was easy to implement. We kicked off development of the ResourceHub in June 2020 and completed the launch within eight months. Here’s what our release plan looked like:

  • June 2020: Project Kick-off

  • November 2020: ResourceHub Pilot Launch

  • February 2021: ResourceHub Full Launch


We launched the ResourceHub to 2,400 nurses located across the United States on February 11, 2021. To deliver the new system to the NFP network, we provided communications in multiple formats:

  • Presentations

  • Instructional webinars

  • Instructional videos

  • Updated dashboard in Docebo

    • Provided easy access to the large library of documents and the HelpHub instruction site


See below for a detailed timeline of the development process:




Designing and Delivering ResourceHub: A 4-Phased Approach

We built the ResourceHub via a four-phased approach, allowing us to build, implement, adjust, and scale the experience to meet the needs of NFP network nurses and ensure a smooth launch. Learn more about each phase below.


Phase 1: Development & Design

Phase 1 Overview: Development & Design

  • Audit of 325 existing assets housed on the NFP Community website

  • Design of ResourceHub page, menu, and topic channel structures

  • Upload of 272 assets to ResourceHub

  • Developed How-To Guide

  • Conducted user acceptability pilot

  • Reviewed pilot results and incorporated feedback into ResourceHub design

  • Developed subject matter expert question response process and identified experts


This phase included auditing over 325 existing learning assets to ensure they were up to date before uploading 272 of them to ResourceHub. We developed our page design schematic, completed page and menu buildouts, and grouped assets into 20 topic areas (channels) familiar to nurses.


An important part of Phase 1 was user acceptability. Twenty nurses and six staff members piloted ResourceHub and offered feedback. The nurses volunteered and worked through a series of pre-defined tasks on ResourceHub (supported by a How-To Guide) and completed an online survey. Six staff members completed these tasks while being observed by the project team.


Pilot participants reported ResourceHub was easy to use and navigate. Nurses appreciated the variety of assets, organization of the content, and the search functionality. Nurses enjoyed the social aspects of ResourceHub, particularly the ask-the-expert and playlist functions. Most pilot tasks were completed with minimal guidance. The project team reviewed and implemented user suggestions in preparation for the national release to all NFP nurses.


Phase 2: Deployment

Phase 2 Overview: Deployment 

  • Executed extensive communication plan to the network

  • Delivered live streaming broadcast on launch day

  • Refined How-To Guides and FAQs

  • Delivered eight live informational webinars

  • Monitored and responded to support tickets


This phase involved assigning subject matter experts to each channel and implementing a process for responding to questions. Change management strategies were used to build curiosity and excitement, including webinars and initiating communications three months before the release. A live network-wide webinar was broadcast the day of the release followed by an email announcement to all NFP nurses.


Continued support included refining the How-To Guide and FAQ’s, holding eight informational webinars, and monitoring support tickets and usage reports to understand the users’ experience. The website that ResourceHub was replacing remained active for three months after the release to give individuals time to become familiar with ResourceHub.


Phase 3: Maintenance

Phase 3 Overview: Maintenance 

  • Continued marketing and communication to network

  • Supporting subject matter experts in their learner collaborations

  • Updating assets based on network feedback

  • Tracking monthly asset views by channel


Maintenance has continued since Deployment. This phase includes marketing ResourceHub in NFP’s monthly newsletter, supporting channel experts in responding to emails, updating content every quarter, and tracking monthly asset views by channel. The project team continues educating staff on the purpose and uses of ResourceHub.


Phase 4: Refinement

Phase 4: Refinement (future plans)

  • Increase content channels

  • Extend number of end users (non-nurse roles)

  • Extend content curation to the NFP nurses to leverage their expertise

  • Add Skills to assets

  • Make design improvements based on end-user feedback


This phase includes increasing the number of content channels to accommodate new organizational priorities, customizing channel access to expand the number of users, and extending content curation to to leverage the expertise of NFP nurses and enhance the organizational  culture of learning. This takes careful planning to ensure adequate resources to screen user-generated content. The goal is to promote a constructive process in which the nurses become engaged teachers and collaborators to expand the resources available to them.


Measurable Benefits

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became especially important to have a resource like Discover, Coach & Share available to NFP nurses. Like many other organizations, nurses had to shift to remote work. As NFP nurses adapted to delivering the program via telehealth instead of through in-person visits to families, their need for efficiently accessing critical information and guidance materials increased.


ResourceHub became a multi-faceted resource library where nurses referenced and shared learning materials as they shifted their nursing practice to virtual spaces and continued services to families with minimal or no disruption.


ROI is linked to business objectives including level of engagement and nurse satisfaction. Key Performance Indicators look long-term at key knowledge areas for model implementation and services to families.


Engagement with Nursing Resources

These results are based on Docebo usage reports. As of February 2023, the total number of ResourceHub asset views exceeded 38,000. This indicates that most, if not all, nurses are quickly incorporating ResourceHub into their daily work. The four graphs below illustrate the monthly viewing trends that we track to gauge engagement. They are a representative sample from mid-2021 to early 2023. We noticed a general trend of higher engagement (views) after holiday breaks and the first half of the workweek.








Engagement with Channel Experts

Since Deployment, staff have answered over fifty questions using the Ask-the-Expert functionality related to ResourceHub assets.


Support Tickets

The small number of support tickets since launch reflects the careful planning that took place prior to launch, including providing exceptional guidance and intuitive design. Within the initial twelve-month period, there were fourteen support tickets related to accessing ResourceHub and seven related to use and functionality.



User Satisfaction

In August 2021, user satisfaction was evaluated and scored 5.63 out of 7, providing a baseline for monitoring future satisfaction levels.



2019 Mean

2021 Mean

LearningHub (Learning Management System)









*Scale from 1-7 (where 1 is Completely Dissatisfied and 7 is Completely Satisfied).


Value & Ongoing Costs

The core project team consisted of five education staff members and most of the project costs were associated with staff time along with the additional fee for Discover, Coach & Share.

Development and design, piloting, and deploying ResourceHub to the NFP network took a total of 743 hours, leading to a total cost of $53,801. This translates to $22.42 per learner.


Ongoing maintenance costs since the initial release have been minimal, with quarterly updates to assets, and staff time to respond to expert questions and a few support tickets. The project team plans to reconvene in a few months to begin Phase 4, focused on refinement. This will require an additional investment of staff time to expand the number of available channels and assets along with developing and deploying a content curation, review, and approval process that more actively engages NFP nurses.


Key Takeaways (what we learned)

User frustrations with the limited functionality of the outdated NFP Community website, along with remote work needs during the COVID-19 pandemic reinforced the investment in Docebo Discover, Coach & Share. This system serves as a library of critical information and a central location for social connections and knowledge sharing for NFP nurses and subject matter experts. ResourceHub is the go-to destination for information that our incredible nurses requested. We celebrate the success of the implementation during the challenges of the past couple years.


The total level of engagement (over 38,000 total asset views) and nurse satisfaction (5.63 out of 7) are both testament to the success of our ResourceHub launch. Additional ResourceHub survey results have also proven the success of this rollout, as feedback shows that the customer experience is highly rated and improved from the prior experience of the outdated NFP Community website.


Docebo Discover, Coach, and Share transformed our internal work processes in a streamlined way and has been an excellent tool for our internal teams as well as meeting the needs of NFP nurses.


So far, we have only scratched the surface of ResourceHub’s potential. We are excited to implement future enhancements, such as increasing the number of end users, adding Skills to assets, and opening up content curation to the network.


How do you approach learning experience design? Please feel free to share below!


🏆 If you are interested in submitting an application for the 2023 Inspire Learning Awards, click here to learn more about the available categories and submission dates


This is a great article. Thank you.

^ concurred!
