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When a training material is completed, the text "The content has ended. You may close this window.” appears. It’s confusing our learners as they think the course is done and they close it, so they’re not continuing to the next “lesson”. It's referring to that particular training material, not the course. 

I asked Docebo for help and they didn’t have anything they could do. The text is not included in the localization tool, so we can’t just change what it says. They advised I ask my front end team to hide it with CSS. However the screen doesn’t stay very long, so I am unable to identify the CSS to target. 

Does anyone have suggestions or CSS they’re using to overcome this issue?

Hey Ariel, 

We have this issue, whereby those completing there Display Screen Equipment will go through the course content and then not spot that the next lesson is there formal assessment, often then contacting us saying that they completed the course.. when the didn’t…

I wonder if there’s a way of automatically opening up the next lesson OR even adding the the ending screen ‘Click here to go to the next lesson’ if it recognises there’s one available. 

One of our solutions was to create an enrolment notification & reminder which highlighted the lesson when triggered. Also, we discussed with the content provider of adding a final landing screen in the actual eLearning which said ‘go to the next lesson’ or a link to the survery - it was the same for everyone.  Very much a work around, but we’ve found it to help a little. 


You could add a brief slide at the end of each training module that reminds your learners they need to move on to the next lesson. Something like "Great job completing this section! Please proceed to the next lesson."
