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While digging through the community looking for some references for a thing I am working on, I started noticing that I mainly look at the main flow of threads on the home page. I might shift between the recent/unanswered, but rarely move to any of the sub areas specifically.

The part I noticed is that when trying to poke some conversation more philosophy/usage/thought water cooler chat, these quickly get lost in the stream of help requests, new ideas for improvement, etc.

Might be nice if these got their own feed on the main page, or maybe a glimpse in the right rail on the main page or something similar, to keep current active ones from being buried in the others.

What do others think?

Yeah - my “go to” is Recently Active Posts so that I can see whatever pops up as it is created.

Rarely do I go more than two pages deep.

When staff come through to place a status on all the new ideas - that’s when stuff gets buried FAST.

Thank you for the great feedback @Bfarkas and @gstager! We’ll definitely dig deeper into this.

By the way, I moved this to the Community Feedback area so we can keep it with similar posts. 🙂 Keep the ideas coming!

sweet, thanks!

could just be a me thing, and I know I can go direct to those areas and it’s a balance of things, but just caught the behavior last week. i’ve started scrolling really fast far down the recent active and then browsing that area a bit to see what has been missed/buried. 

I will say ideas is the one exception to this, I do go to that area on purpose to browse the new things for sure. I almost wish I could filter them out of that main feed, but I know that may be a platform limit or a personal desire. 

Yeah - my “go to” is Recently Active Posts so that I can see whatever pops up as it is created.

Rarely do I go more than two pages deep.

When staff come through to place a status on all the new ideas - that’s when stuff gets buried FAST.

Same here Greg, this is where I started thinking about this. I started a behavior where in my afternoon checkin I pull the scroll wheel on my trackball to get far down the list and then live in that area a bit, its been interesting.
