Does anyone else find it strange that there is no course status of “failed” or “not passed” for a user? I set up an e-Learning shell with three training objects (a file download, an evaluation, and a survey). I set the test as requiring 100% and programmed two fake questions, then ran through the course and purposefully failed the evaluation with my test account.
I know how to look at the score and how to go into the Reports tab and see which of the training materials the learner failed but the user remains in the status of In Progress. What I’m looking for is the ability to identify who failed the course, not a single learning object.
- Reports (screenshot included) show my test user only completed 66% of the course and is In Progress. In reality, the user completed 100% of the course; and they failed the evaluation.
- Enrollments tab (screenshot included) shows me the user’s score but not what a passing score is so admins would have to research that before we looked at the status this way. But again, it shows the learner as In Progress when this learner is not in progress though. This evaluation has a max attempt of one; the user tried and failed and can’t retake the test. They failed the test, and therefore the course.
Anyone have some insight into pass/fail options at a course level? The lack of a ‘fail’ or ‘not passed’ user course status seems like an oversight, unless I’m completely missing something here.