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Consider this story and tell me if it sounds familiar: 

Leslie is the Director of L&D and Internal Enablement at a large enterprise company and is working to build a learning culture from the ground up. They’ve recently purchased Docebo Learn and are in the middle of onboarding with a clear vision for the training they’re going to deploy. As they think about how they’ll launch the platform internally, they’re feeling less confident about how to make a big splash within the organization. 

Change Management and Program Adoption are principal use cases for Docebo Learn. This makes sense, of course, since coordinating, tracking, and disseminating information within your organization are some of the key challenges of change management. Centralizing information and providing a single source of truth for your users is crucial to manage major changes like the launch of a new program or initiative. 


Here are a few examples of these challenges:  

  • A migration to a new learning platform or LMS (sound familiar?)
  • The integration of a new sales ops tool.
  • Rebranding
  • Major Process Changes and reorgs
  • Product Launches and Updates
  • Policy Changes

Each of these situations require the need to deliver, track, and implement information related to each change at scale and in a timely manner. Docebo Learn helps solve these problems and with a little bit of strategy, you can take program engagement to another level.


Guide Table of Contents


Time, Effort and Motivation

While the LMS helps with the coordination problem that is change management it doesn’t always solve for the human problem that’s exists alongside it. That’s where gamification comes in!

How do we motivate learners to start and complete their training?

​​​​​​According to the Project Management Institute's (PMI) Pulse of the Profession reports from previous years, organizations waste an average of $97 million for every $1 billion invested due to poor project performance. That’s nearly 10 percent of every dollar spent!


By providing expiring incentives we can create a motivation to not only complete the training but to complete the training early.

The earlier your audience is made aware of the changes and how it will impact them the sooner they will have time to:

  • Ask clarifying questions better enabling them to meet the need delivered by the change
  • Raise issues and concerns that might not have been previously addressed.
  • Alert and enable those downstream from their position about the upcoming change.

Considering the above we can see the value of early and efficient enablement

Progressive Rewards - Creating engagement earlier by creating targeted scarcity


While an LMS can aid in change management by organizing and delivering relevant information, it doesn’t always solve the human problem that accompanies it: motivation. That’s where gamification comes in!

How do we motivate learners to take the training sooner? 


Create scarcity!

With some planning and coordination, you can create a schedule of decreasing awards that correlate to different badges that provide better rewards and status for completing courses earlier. This system can be used to drive engagement and reduce confusion about changes within our orgs. The titles of the badges, rewards, and timing in the following example are only suggestions.

By creating a progressive schedule of rewards that progresses from higher value to low we can accomplish the following: 
Create an incentive to take the training earlier without punitive measures
Limit the amount of “completion chasing” by limiting the entire span of the program and providing an incentive to complete training early since the value of rewards offered decreases over time. 



Let’s discuss the process you’ll need to implement this at your organization by adding on to Leslie’s story as a guide for implementation: 


Leslie is the Director of L&D and Internal Enablement at a large enterprise company and is working to build a learning culture from the ground up. They’ve recently purchased Docebo Learn and are in the middle of onboarding with a clear vision for the training they’re going to deploy. As they think about how they’ll launch the platform internally, they’re feeling less confident about how to make a big splash within the organization.  

They’ve decided to take a targeted approach to gamification for their launch and rather than a perpetual gamification strategy, they’ve decided to opt for smaller targeted “bursts”

Their short-term vision for launch is to deploy an individual Learning Plan for each of their internal orgs (Sales, Customer Experience, Professional Services, Product and Support) that covers general information about their platform and specific information related to each department.

This will represent a big shift in the way these employees consume training, and Leslie wants to create excitement and engagement at launchso that  employees have a strong start to their new learning journey. 


Pre-Launch Configuration: 

The following steps are required before the launch of the program.: 

  • Create badges for each week of the promotion (leave  unpublished til later) 
  • Configure the automatic assignment of each badge upon the completion of the learning plan. 
  • Build a learning plan enrollment notification that explains the promotion that will be triggered and sent to all users who are enrolled into the educational learning plan. 
  • Build a “Learner has yet to complete their course” notification which will fire X days after enrollment into the last course of the learning plan (This will be applicable to for sequential learning plans)
  • Determine the cutoff date for each week’s rewards. For our example we’ll say the cutoff for each week’s rewards end of business on Friday.

This assumes that you’re already familiar with how to build learning plans and how to enroll users into those learning plans.

Building the Badges - Step by Step

Begin by navigating to the Gamification App and use the following steps to create each of your badges.


Create each version of the badge with unique descriptions for each. Be sure to include how users earn this as it could be helpful if the program you run is repeated.
Set up the automatic assignment of the badge by selecting the platform area “General” 
Then choose the event that will trigger the assignment. In this case we’ll choose learning plan.
Next select the learning plans that when completed will assign the badge. 


Week 1 Launch: 

The time has come and you’re ready to launch the Learning Platform. You’ve built your courses and learning plans, you’ve built your launch notification and all that’s left is the following: 

  • Publish the Champion badge 
  • Enroll your groups (or branches) of users into their respective learning plans. 
  • These users will be alerted of the promotion and the learning plan they’re expected to take. 
  • On Friday at the end of business you’ll unpublish the badge and publish the next week’s badge. By activating the next week’s badge you’ll ensure that users who might take training on a weekend are still awarded.

These users will be alerted of the promotion and the learning plan they’re expected to take. 

Week 2:

The first week has passed which means that it’s time to publish the week 2 badge. Since we’ve already built the triggers for auto assignment, all that’s required is to publish the badge and it will be assigned to any users who complete the learning plan moving forward since badge assignments are not retroactive (kind of like enrollment rules). 

Week 3: 

Week three you’ll activate your week three badge 


Week 4: 

Week 4 you’ll activate your week 4 badge and close the program out. 



In summary, the strategic integration of gamification into Docebo Learn can greatly amplify the efficiency of your change management strategies. Leveraging progressive rewards not only encourages early participation but also fosters an environment where learners are motivated to adapt to changes swiftly. Leslie's journey reflects the proactive measures an organization can adopt to ensure smooth transitions, whether it's a new platform or any other transformative shift. As the age-old saying goes, "Change is the only constant." And in the fast-paced world of organizational dynamics, timely adaptation can make all the difference. We invite all Docebo users to share their gamification stories in the comments below. How have you used gamification in your organization to drive change? Let's learn and grow together.



LOVE this @pmo ! Such a great combo of practical situation, theory, and how-to. Bravo. 

Hey thanks @Bfarkas!

Hi There!

I don’t see a badge feature on the LMS. Is this something that has to be enabled in the backend? 

Hi There!

I don’t see a badge feature on the LMS. Is this something that has to be enabled in the backend? 

You may need to activate it:​​​​​​​
