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  1. What would you like to name the group? Extended Enterprise Users - (I need some more coffee before the creative juices for group names starts flowing.)
  2. Who would this group be for? Docebo Customers who are using the LMS for external customers, and/or using the Extended Enterprise App
  3. How would individuals benefit from this group? We can share ideas and practices on how we use Docebo for external customers. Maybe share ideas on how to increase external customer adoption. 
  4. What sort of topics would you like to cover in this group?
    - How new feature releases impact Extended Enterprise users. 
    - How are organizations using the platform for external clients.  
    - What features of Docebo do you make the most use of? Subscriptions, localization tool, self-registration
    - Best practices/tips and tricks to managing multiple clients from Extended Enterprise app
  5. Would you be willing to serve as a group owner? Possibly!  This is all still new, so not sure of time commitments.

Love the idea as I think there are definitely unique considerations/needs to EE clients.

Potential Group names: 

Starship Extended Enterprise
Extended Enterprise - “We’ll pick you up”

I love this idea for a group @Annarose.Peterson! Consider myself the second member to express interest in this group after @pmo. We need three more individuals to voice their interest to make this group happen!


Thank you for following the group requests steps perfectly and for being willing to maybe be a group owner 🙂 We’re figuring all of this out together so there are no firm commitments needed on your end. We’ll shape what the group owner role looks like as we learn together. For now, it will just mean promoting the group and helping get productive conversations started!


OMG @pmo I love your group name ideas. 

I’m in. We are looking to help our customer with their training too. 

@pmo I hope this groups happens because “Starship Extended Enterprise” is literally the best thing I’ve ever heard.


I’m in...and love the “Starship Extended Enterprise” name too. Love having fun while working…


Can we somehow formally request @pmo as the official Group namer?  


It appears I have found my people. Thanks @Annarose.Peterson!

@Annarose.Peterson as both current Community Manager and Patrick’s manager I think I actually have the power to make that happen. Consider your request officially approved. 


@pmo it looks like you have your work cut out for you now...

@Annarose.Peterson as both current Community Manager and Patrick’s manager I think I actually have the power to make that happen. Consider your request officially approved. 


@pmo it looks like you have your work cut out for you now...

Thank you @Adam Ballhaussen !  I’m excited to touch base with other members of the Starship Extended Enterprise!

I’m totally on board with an EXE group! We’re in implementation currently, and I’m still trying to learn all things Docebo while also being an active member here. I was involved with our EXE community from our last vendor, so I definitely know there’s value in having others in this niche group to connect with. The other vendor focusing less on EXE was actually one of the reasons we left them, so I hope we can get this started here!

@Adam Ballhaussen, I know product managers are active in the suggestions areas, how about here? Does Docebo have an EXE product manager? An EXE group would be a great way for a EXE PM to connect and keep a finger on the pulse of the EXE customers. (I apologize for using the corporate lingo, I felt dirty just typing it.) 

I’d be more than happy to help host some EXE virtual calls to help share tips and tricks, share use cases, and share interesting ways folks are using the system. If it gets large enough we could do guest speakers spotlighting something in their platform or folks from Docebo sharing new features that would benefit the EXE customers.

Lots of ideas and would love to discuss with anyone that’s interested! 


Hey @steveninfinger, this is great feedback and I love these ideas. We would love to lean on your and @Annarose.Peterson’s  expertise in this area to share best practices with other customers!

We have a large complex EE landscape. Would love to learn and share with others.

I would definitely be interested in this group!

Great news! Looks like Starship Extended Enterprise is a go! @steveninfinger @Annarose.Peterson will either of you be willing to be the Group Owner?

That’s awesome! 

@Annarose.Peterson I’m good either way. You started the thread so I think you get first dibs if you want it.

@erin.brisson , I am definitely interested in being a Group Owner, but a little hesitant because I am not really versed on what comes with that role. Is there like a job/role description that we could refer to?

Also, would it be possible to have more than one group owner?


@steveninfinger you can totally be group owner.  I can serve as backup if you ever need it!


I’m in.  We are new to Docebo and will be using extended enterprise.  Would love to connect with other EE users. 

@erin.brisson and/or @Adam Ballhaussen, any updates on the EXE group? I’d love to start getting EXE folks centralized and chatting….maybe another shot at a virtual user group in a few months. 

@steveninfinger apologies for the delay in creating this group. The graphics should be finalized for this group in the next week and we will launch it as soon as they are ready. Stay tuned! (P.S. thanks so much for your patience).

@kferguson fyi - we will want to join this group when it is created. Will be great to collaborate with other EE admins.

We have lift off!!! :rocket:

@Annarose.Peterson @pmo @Salvo @JeanetteMcVeigh @JayKolbenson @sjennings78 @jbridges and @kferguson the Starship Extended Enterprise group is here (finally!). 

Big thanks to @steveninfinger for stepping in as your captain. Now….go ahead and BEAM THEM UP 



Now that’s how you end a Friday afternoon! Thanks, @erin.brisson for getting this group put together! We’ll put this in the Captain’s log and see where this crew will take us.


