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Hi everyone,

I’ve been passed here by the helpdesk because evidently, standard <td> and <tr> table HTML tags are not supported by Docebo, even though there is a table tool in the Course Description editor for certain types of learning objects in the Central Repository:

Table tool in the Description editor

I built a small presentation to supplement a video in my course, and that includes a simple table with text and images. In the editing preview, it looks just like I want, and Docebo’s own tool provided the standard table tags to build it:

Sample of the Docebo-generated table code
Preview in the Description editor, which shows text and graphics aligned properly. I copied and pasted this code into Adobe Dreamweaver as a check, and it displays the same way.

However, when you go to play the course, because the table tags apparently get stripped out or are not being read properly, you get this result:

Text and graphics are not displaying at the right sizes and are misaligned.

Since Docebo’s official position is they don’t provide support for HTML/CSS items and they can’t/won’t provide a fix for this, I’m here to ask you in the Community if there is another way I could get this to work properly. 

are you sure the table tags are being removed and not som other tags? Seems like your border and cell padding code is not be applied but I can still see your content split into 2 columns; so something seems to be working. I agree that using HTLM in Docebo is sometimes hit and miss but if you keep it simple, you can usually get things to look OK.

@lrnlab I agree that some things seem to be working and others not, the helpdesk’s position was that it’s because <td> and <tr> tags aren’t supported...this table really is very simple, and I have the image sizes defined in the HTML code so I don’t understand why they aren’t appearing at the correct size. That’s really the biggest issue with this, if the images would at least display at the right size I could live with it. Any thoughts on how I could fix that part of it? I can post the full code here if that would help.

@lrnlab if I inspect the elements in the browser all the tags are there, though there are some weird artifacts here and there (==$0), not sure what they are or if that’s affecting things.


I can see the table tags so it is not stripping them out and it doesn't seem to be ignoring them all together...have your tried starting with most basic of tables and then slowly adding your other settings (testing between each update)? I do that with the certificates as they are also temperamental…

If all else fails, you might try using an iFrame if you have a server you can store the code on...or as a last resort and if your content doesn't have any links in it, you could just put it up as an image. your QR code should still work.

I don’t have a server I could keep the mini page on for an iFrame unfortunately, so I can try some of those other ideas, and hopefully I can get it close to what I need. Thanks!

Hoper you find a solution that works for you.
