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Display Due Date in Courses

Hello, community,

Does anyone have any Widget or CSS hacks that actually display the course due date in the course itself? Once a user is in the course, there is no communication to them that the course has a specific due date. Many users leave the tab open and shuffle it into their open tabs, others don’t notice the due date on the course card on the home page. Any suggestions to help improve visibility for the all-important due date?



17 replies

Userlevel 7
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CSS is great for styling - as the name implies - and thus good for showing/hiding/modding stuff that is already there but not so much for finding content stored elsewhere and putting it in place.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Yes, please!  I wish we did have this as an easy option to display from the course page.

Userlevel 4
Badge +2


CSS is great for styling - as the name implies - and thus good for showing/hiding/modding stuff that is already there but not so much for finding content stored elsewhere and putting it in place.

Ah, that makes sense. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Where in the course are you meaning, like inside a course package like a scorm file, or just within the course page before you launch or both?

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@willingworth- good evening.

For your consideration - you can control a few elements and where I believe @Bfarkas is going. If you force the detail to be inline? It is probably your best bet as the person then cannot ignore it. We like to add a Getting Started HTML page when we have a course that has more than one object in it for example. You can set that to auto-launch as part of the course experience and have it right in the persons face.

That said - as @gstager was pointing out - your greatest challenge to pull it off with CSS is that if you want to leverage a widget you would probably need to adjust your CSS for your course player and using CSS to pull things in is something “better served with other approaches” - if we could use a little javascript, we could call to something called the DOM and potentially get what you are after. Some folks have been making strides and documenting adjusting the course player experience with CSS (mentioned by @lrodman earlier this week, he was able to move the TOC from the left to the right side of the screen). Maybe? The Course Description widget can stack up above the Start Course window???? And you can be in good shape?


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I’m trying to change the incomprehensible course player full screen button but failing if anyone knows how. 

Asking for a friend 😉 

Userlevel 7
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Also I might try leveraging notifications - both in platform and email - about course due dates. 

Userlevel 7
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I’m trying to change the incomprehensible course player full screen button but failing if anyone knows how. 

Asking for a friend 😉 

It’s just a before and after pseudo class with content codes to make the icons, like I said the other day in the thread you asked about them?

not really relevant  to this thread though. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

can anyone explain the difference to me between a due date and a renew date?  We use refresher training and one of my big issues is that on the course page it doesn't show when a course is due to be renewed and doesn't even give you a link to renew.  is this the same as a due date?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

If someone doesn’t complete a course by due date they get unenrolled


if someone doesn’t renew their cert by renewal date the cert becomes inactive until renewed. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

@willingworth- good evening.

For your consideration - you can control a few elements and where I believe @Bfarkas is going. If you force the detail to be inline? It is probably your best bet as the person then cannot ignore it. We like to add a Getting Started HTML page when we have a course that has more than one object in it for example. You can set that to auto-launch as part of the course experience and have it right in the persons face.

That said - as @gstager was pointing out - your greatest challenge to pull it off with CSS is that if you want to leverage a widget you would probably need to adjust your CSS for your course player and using CSS to pull things in is something “better served with other approaches” - if we could use a little javascript, we could call to something called the DOM and potentially get what you are after. Some folks have been making strides and documenting adjusting the course player experience with CSS (mentioned by @lrodman earlier this week, he was able to move the TOC from the left to the right side of the screen). Maybe? The Course Description widget can stack up above the Start Course window???? And you can be in good shape?


Good thought on launching to the HTML page. Are you suggesting that you can identify the due date on that page dynamically or would it just be static text? This is a new hire course, so every wave of new hires has a different due date.

Looking for that dynamic solution 😅

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Good thought on launching to the HTML page. Are you suggesting that you can identify the due date on that page dynamically or would it just be static text? This is a new hire course, so every wave of new hires has a different due date.

Looking for that dynamic solution 😅

Yeah if you are looking for something dynamic - I cant really help that. You may be able to do something clever within a course and generate that date by leveraging a little bit of JS. But that HTML page? Something could be done - but your problem begins that it would not be “system” related nor persistent - and that is your key problem.

So I can get an HTML page to show you what the due date is….but tomorrow it will just shift based on the calculation.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@willingworth Sounds like an intriguing course widget in the very end.

Maybe write it up?


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

I’ve been thinking of how I could do this with a known list of courses plus timelines for them plus user assignment and think I could pull it off using an embedded iframe widget that leverages the api on page load to get those pieces of information and then calculate in real time. Doable, but I wonder if worth it. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

I’ve been thinking of how I could do this with a known list of courses plus timelines for them plus user assignment and think I could pull it off using an embedded iframe widget that leverages the api on page load to get those pieces of information and then calculate in real time. Doable, but I wonder if worth it. 

What makes it crazy intriguing is that it really isnt a “roaming problem”. It becomes a series of scheduled events problem. So with a regular maintenance approach it can work.

The more I spin on this as well? No offense though @Bfarkas , anything you come up with? Is going to have a layer that is “brittle” in design because this really should leverage that deadline that should be built into the system itself.

Userlevel 7
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What I was describing above essentially would be leveraging that @dklinger , just painful to get to it. 

Userlevel 5

I might be misunderstanding the ask but can you use a soft deadline at the course level so it shows an expiration on the course tile, combined maybe with the Task Widget with the tab for deadline visible that shows the red indicator that something has a deadline? It can be set as a rolling deadline based on users enrollment date, or first access since sometimes for new hires they get enrolled before they actually start. Then also maybe the “course has expired” notification and/or “learner has yet to complete a course” reminder?
