ui-spinner > div > div.ui-spinner-layer {
/*border-style: hidden !important;*/
border-color:#133D8D !important;
height: 105%;
width: 105%;
background-image: url(https://docebo-institute.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/public/branding_hacks/logo22px.png);
}/*colorize and theme spinner*/
I can’t seem to get the size right. I’ve also tried making it bigger but this makes the spinning look like a spirograph since I’m not sizing some of the transformations used, I guess.
In any case, relatively successful theming of most (but not all) spinners. Not sure if I broke anything but it seems fine. I can’t seem to hide the spinning wheel thingy.
The admin dashboard is a good testing page since it is so slow for me finally got a chance to have at that spinner!

Updated CSS
/*#doc-layout-page-content > doc-layout-legacy-wrapper > div > */ ui-spinner > div > div.ui-spinner-layer, div.hyd-spinner-layer { /*border-style: hidden !important;*/ border-color: transparent !important;/*hide spinner to show image*/ background-size: cover !important; background-image: url(https://docebo-institute.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/public/branding_hacks/logo40px.png); }/*colorize and theme spinner*/ ui-spinner > div > div.ui-spinner-layer > ui-spinner-circle-clipper, div.hyd-spinner-circle-clipper { border-color: transparent; }/*hide spinner to show image*/