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Static home page URL

Hi all!

We are getting ready to launch our new platform in the next 30 days or so.  I was wondering if it was possible to have the logo in the upper left be a static URL so that regardless of what a user’s landing page is, they can click on the logo to get to the same home page.  My situation is that we have a ‘gatekeeper’ page for our hourly employees to verify they are on the clock.  Once they click on the “continue” button on that gatekeeper page, they land on the actual home page (where a salaried employee lands first).  For the hourly employee, when they click the logo, they wind up back on the ‘gatekeeper’ page.  It’s easy enough for them to click continue to get back to the real home page, but I think what will be clunky user experience. Any ideas for accomplishing this?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Think the ‘logo url’ is dependent on your site or sub domain setup. You might want to build a separate homepgae for your hourly employees (a copy of your homepage will likely do) and create a ‘back to home’ button to redirect them to the page you need them to land on. May not be the most elegant but it should work. You can control access to that page using Groups or branches depending on how your site is setup.

Userlevel 1

Think the ‘logo url’ is dependent on your site or sub domain setup. You might want to build a separate homepgae for your hourly employees (a copy of your homepage will likely do) and create a ‘back to home’ button to redirect them to the page you need them to land on. May not be the most elegant but it should work. You can control access to that page using Groups or branches depending on how your site is setup.

Do you know a script for the “back to home” button? We would like to also add it to display from inside courses as we are getting ready to launch with Docebo in November. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

you can use the custom content widget and create a button that says “back to home”. you can then include the link back to the page you want to redirect them towards. I would suggest you only use a button and no title or subtitle to keep the widget as small as possible..
