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API - Course custom field

  • 4 June 2024
  • 5 replies



I have difficult to find the API to get the information about course custom field, and the course image.

I tried to have a answer from Docebo´s support without success.


Can someone help me?


Thank you

It doesn’t seem to be documented for some reason, but here’s the endpoint for the Course Additional Fields:


As for the course thumbnail, that’s documented a bit better.

  1. First, you’ll need to get the thumbnail ID by getting course info:
    • GET]/course/v1/courses/{course_id}
    • It’s under
  2. Next, you can make a request to this endpoint:
    • GET]/course/v1/thumbnails/{thumbnail_id}
    • There’s a bit of information there about the thumbnail. If you want to do something with the file itself, you may find it easiest to work with the data.url value.

Hope this helps!

Hi @Ian , thank you for your help.

About the course custom field, How do I inform the custom field number? In this case is the custom_field_3.


For the Course image, sorry but I need to upload it, not Get. Do you know the correct API?


Thank you again.




The User Additional Fields are numbered in the order they were created…

maybe try this one:!/learn/Course/Course_learn_v1_courses_field

Sorry for the delay, @msantos.

Regarding uploads, I am fairly sure I managed to get this set up at my previous company, but (a) that was 2022 (maybe even 2021 still), so my memory is foggy; and (b) it was really quite involved.

If memory serves, I had to have my own AWS S3 bucket and I was able to somehow transfer the files from there to Docebo’s bucket. I think it involved this endpoint:

You may find it easier to do the uploads manually and then, once they’re on Docebo’s servers, use a different endpoint for assigning them to courses:

Hope this helps somehow. Sorry I can’t remember more about this.

Sorry for the delay, @msantos.

Regarding uploads, I am fairly sure I managed to get this set up at my previous company, but (a) that was 2022 (maybe even 2021 still), so my memory is foggy; and (b) it was really quite involved.

If memory serves, I had to have my own AWS S3 bucket and I was able to somehow transfer the files from there to Docebo’s bucket. I think it involved this endpoint:

You may find it easier to do the uploads manually and then, once they’re on Docebo’s servers, use a different endpoint for assigning them to courses:

Hope this helps somehow. Sorry I can’t remember more about this.

Thank you.!!!
