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Cybersource: eliminate billing informationrequirement when users add a 100% off coupon

  • 31 January 2023
  • 2 replies

When certain products within my organization are sold to a customer, training boot camps are required and the costs are included in the sales contract.  The boot camps are open courses, and they are available for purchase /enrollment in our Docebo-based university.  For those customers whose training costs are included in a product sales contract, we provide a coupon, which allows them to enroll at no cost.  The issue we have is that even though the cost is reduced to $0.00, users still have to provide billing information. Once the billing information is provided, users can enroll without providing credit card information. However, if billing information is not entered correctly, the enrollment is denied, but the coupon limit is reduced even though the transaction did not go through.


Is there a way to remove the billing information requirement when a coupon provides a 100% discount.


Thank you,

@cschmelzer Coupons are a credit on the account (so to speak), but the account may have charges in the future, hence the need for billing information.

Perhaps there should be a non-ecommerce version of your courses? More administrator, I get it. Maybe there is an additional field (in the profile) that could group them into an enrollment rule for the non-ecommerce version.


KMallette/Viasat, Inc.

Thank you, KMallette


That’s a good explanation, and I appreicate your feedback. I think that if the user wants to purchase a course in the future, that would be the time that they associate billing information with their account. 


Thank you,

