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Our business has traditionally sold training to customers and provided additional methods for customers to pay for them. These include the following methods (and more)

  • credit cards
  • education tokens that enterprises could use to pay for courses (this is an entire system that we have in-house with customer approvals etc.)
  • purchase orders

The out-of-the-box functionality in Docebo for managing payments is inadequate. So we need to build some custom functionality. I have two questions related to this:

  1. Have any of you built elaborate payment mechanisms outside of Docebo?
    • If yes, did you have to create the checkout process also OR were you able to use Docebo’s built-in Checkout Process.
  2. Do you have a consulting vendor that you have good experience with who can help build our project? Any that we must avoid?

Thank you for any guidance you have on these aspects.

Following as we have this same model and have yet to solve the PO piece. 

You could generate a bunch of coupons of fixed value then sell them in an ecommerce store outside the platform.


We’re struggling with this one too.


Also some of our branches want to pay directly for all their users’ purchases. Trying to figure that out.

We are looking at a stripe ecommerce shop outside of Docebo that we would iframe into the desktop platform. We use stripe as our PP.


You can also do SOME things with “subscriptions” but for us they are way insufficient.

I think in the end we will build an API call to docebo to generate coupon codes automatically as needed - going to get messy.

@lrodman  Have you made any progress with this?  We are moving toward selling training bundles at a branch level, without a price per course, but with a number of seats for any course in a specific catalog.

Any user in the branch with the subscription code can register for courses in the catalog.

In many cases a number of seats will be sold with the customer contract for our product, with the ability to buy additional seat bundles as needed.  This looks like it will take some serious creativity to administer in the Docebo platform.  Especially since we need to phase this in as the user contracts renew...



For Purchase Orders - we use the wire transfer.

We used the localization tool to change the wording to say Purchase Order and since we do not have to worry about VAT - we changed that line to say PO Number in the Billing Information

In the long run we intend to move away from this but wanted to allow purchase orders until eCommerce was set up and customers were trained. We had a PO system only with our old platform.



@gstager Hello! Curious how you relabeled “VAT Number” in the Localization tool. For me, it’s just languages. 

@gstager Hello! Curious how you relabeled “VAT Number” in the Localization tool. For me, it’s just languages. 

Just click on the hamburger button for the language you want to change - English for me -

Then you can search for  VAT Number 

You can see the one I changed below


Good idea to log all the changes you make in the localization tool.

Hope that helps

Hi  I can't see this on my search.

Is anyone able to print out a VAT receipt?

We are using the stripe sca integration for e-commerce.

Help please…


Hi  I can't see this on my search.

Is anyone able to print out a VAT receipt?

We are using the stripe sca integration for e-commerce.

Help please…


We use the data in stripe to have STRIPE send VAT receipts as needed. That’s my recommendation to you. 

Actually I may have lied

we may send the notices from our mail gun service based on data from sage accounting from stripe from docebo. That’s accounting’s issue, it was only my job to get things to stripe 😊 


honestly couldn’t tell you but I can ask if you need me to, but knowing it’s happening in sage probably doesn’t help you


in any event either stripe or your accounting software should be able to send this whenever you get a non USA purchase. You have the address including country, and the email 😊 
