
Quiz scores from scorm/xapi etc

  • 8 September 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Is it possible to pass actual scores from SCORM to Docebo (and have Docebo receive and log them)? It appears not. 

I am trying to make jeopardy and wordle games-as-courses with streaks and leaderboards. Streaks I can do, and I can fudge leaderboards using times completed with (identical) daily unique courses (pointing to the same webpage), but I can’t figure out scores (other than tracking those on the webpage itself, outside Docebo, using SSO to track userID)


Also it appears if I want to iframe on iOS (for both webapp and app) I have to do this in a course - iframing on Pages only works on computers - correct?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Really depends on a variety of things (version, setup, etc). but yes it is possible. It is definitely highly reccomended to live in a platform/program though if you are not comfortable with it as they take care of this kind of work for you to help troubleshoot far easier. Here’s a good article on some common things that every scorm should communicate with the LMS:


The games you are trying to do a have a  lot of templates/examples out there already built or tutorials to build yourself within the common content tools, if you are going to be doing a bunch, definitely look into a platform to use.

Iframes coming into an app the way it is constructed becomes a security violation in the app stores unfortunately. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Got it. 
can a SCORM pass a true score though to Docebo? That’s why I was exploring alternativrs
