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Storyline Quizzes - Failing Scores / Return to Lesson

  • 7 November 2023
  • 0 replies

We’ve an issue with our previously-built quizzes.  They’re designed to be pass/fail, with one attempt only.  We’re using Articulate Storyline for our quizzes.  Within Storyline, the activity is set to pass/fail. 

Feedback from the activity shows “You did not pass the exam” within the quiz.

The LMS then shows that the lesson was failed, but there is a “back to lesson” option.If we ignore this button and close the activity, it shows up as an “In Progress" activity.


From there, the designer is prompted to resume:



This takes you back to the You Have Failed screen above. It still says "back to lesson," and that link is active. And takes you to Resume.

If he chooses “no,” it appears to erase all his answers, so apparently, hecan start the test all over again.

Hoping that someone might have ideas or suggestions; as it stands, if it’s confusing and ambigious for us, it likely will be for our learners as well!  8^)

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