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We plan to implement modules created from Storyline including some Knowledge check questions inside.

Did someone did this ? if yes  tell me if it’s possible to see all answers given by learners in the statistics of their session or could we only have the global score at the end ?

As it will be knowledge check and not assesment we will give them the answer if wrong. Is there an impact in the statistics?

And last is there any special settings to be done on the storyline settings to provide thos info





Hi @alainc if you output to SCORM 2004 3rd Ed, you should be able to see the stats by user and export some data...I definitely recommend that before you get too far along, create a smaller test version of your course, load it, complete it and then check the Reports tab to see if it’s capturing that you need to capture. I tried xAPI and was not happy with the reporting so am mostly using, AICC does not track details either.

@lrnlab - thanks for this detail. I am a shop that has worked alot with both Captivate and Storyline and found that I had a lot of luck in terms of the course getting completions into a strong place with SCORM 1.2 when it came to Storyline in other LMSs. But that may have been more of what I was doing with those courses. 

A question for ya old timer….:) Have you run into any downsides with using Storyline with SCORM 2004? Does bookmarking stay intact? I got worried with the note from Docebo with a first import of SCORM 2004 courses when it warned me about the format (and I did read, that is more surrounding multiSCO support).

I would love to pick up on SCORM interactions because my customers would love to know more statistics about their courses….but I am still just implementing and switching out the few SCOs? I can do likety split.

Also - where do you pick up on the reporting for a persons session?
I would love to see the CMI Interactions for any given SCORM course.




Also - where do you pick up on the reporting for a persons session?
I would love to see the CMI Interactions for any given SCORM course.


I want to have the same sort of info as i have when i run exam based on Docebo question bank and get a report in the course management/selected course/ reports and select one of the student answer. when it’s docebo question bank i can get all details. So just wanted to know if with storyline packages i can get the same details or not an just a global score.

@alainc haven’t seen an actual SCO report from the Reports app but you can get SCO details by user or as a rollup from the Reports tab under the course itself.

for user details, on the User Statistics tab click the username and you will be able to see the breakdown of SCO the SCO object to see the details. You can do the same for the overall SCO object under the Training Materials statistics tab > Answer Breakdown button; this one will show you the rollup info for that object...both versions can be exported to excel/csv

Note: haven’t been able to get around the issue with the ASCII text in the answer choices...may have to log this as an issue. (“%20” = a ‘space’, and so on)


@dklinger we haven’t seen too many issues to date and yes, bookmarking is working

That is awesome @lrnlab to hear thank you.

@Adam Ballhaussen - an idea? I think something that can be really really helpful for newbies? Is a section of the community that covers best recipes for exporting/publishing from common eLearning authoring platforms. Docebo is nice and versatile and ready to listen to properly configured SCOs...and I do know that we need to test test test those SCOs before we let them go.

That guide can help to address this question that may come up more often.
Start with the consumer level ones as well - Articulate 360, Rise 360, Captivate...that is a start in the right direction. There are definitely other packages, but these are very common in the industry today.

And if it is out there - I apologize for the duplication.

@dklinger thanks for the tag. I’ll follow up with you via DM to collect more info about this idea.
