Webex Integration Help

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We are trying to integrate WebEx using the WebEx V2 app, but cannot seem to locate SiteID or PartnerID anywhere in our WebEx account. Has anyone else had trouble integrating WebEx?

16 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @nichole.chandler this information can be found on the WebEx Admin console...have you created an app in WebEx to link to Docebo? You can follow instructions in Docebo KB...that should help you to get things set-up:


it foes not have specific instructions on how to create the app in WebEx but perhaps you can find that on their support page?


Userlevel 6
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We had to go through the person that manages our company’s WebEx account… as users of WebEx, we did not have access to all of the Admin info.  But I cannot say for certain if they were able to get it from the WebEx Admin access or if they had to contact someone at WebEx to get the info.

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Just need the admin of your instance to get it from the Admin page. It’s near the top of the page and pretty straight forward if you have access. If the admin is giving you admin view access it can be helpful. 

One issue we had with integrating is the Site Name field. Our Webex URL is bbu.webex.com, so that’s what we put in the site name field. It was actually just bbu. 

I’d love to be proven wrong here, but the bigger lift was when creating the individual accounts within the WebEx v2 app you have to include the user’s webex password, so we had to create passwords for each person and update it in Docebo AND Webex, and tell our instructors not to change it in WebEx. Providing and managing passwords isn’t a very secure process, so I’d love to see Docebo be able to just use WebEx usernames as the only field needed to connect systems. Again, would love to be proven wrong here on the process. 

Userlevel 5
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Has anyone gotten the “Import Recording” feature of the WebEx v2 integration to work? I’m talking about the one click to import a recorded session button, not manually downloading from Webex and then uploading to the course. We’ve had an open ticket for months on it. We get an error message whenever trying to import a recorded webex session into the course via the button that is supposed to do it.

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Our Admin had trouble locating the information so I am sharing the help we received form WebEx that got us moving:

You can get the siteID by logging into Control Hub, going to Meetings on the left, click on the meeting site and then in the right slide out panel click on Configure Site at the bottom. On this page click on Site Information under the Common Settings section and SiteID is listed there.


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We still had problems using the app, but the support team instructed us to use the ‘Unlisted’ option when setting up the accounts. This seems to have finally fixed the problem. 

Userlevel 5
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@nichole.chandler have you tried the one-click import for webex recordings into the corresponding Docebo course yet? We’ve yet to get it to work and I think it’s something on the Docebo side (open support ticket for months). WebEx Support says everything is fine on their end and won’t assist any further since Docebo isn’t on their supported integrations/partners list.

Userlevel 3
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@mark I have not tried this yet, but good to know it doesnt work. I am disheartened to hear that you have had a support ticket open for so long. 

Userlevel 7
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I just wanted to give a big thank you to @lrnlab @sjennings78 and @steveninfinger because I was just trying to figure out setting up a new webex account and couldn’t have done it with your responses to this!

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Userlevel 7
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@Sean, responding to your reply in the post about a Teams integration,  if you want to investigate a Webex/Docebo integration further, use the info in this article to help you set that up! 

Userlevel 4

Thanks very much @Annarose.Peterson, that’s very handy!

Userlevel 6
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We just recently set up new WebEx accounts on a different WebEx site and we cannot get them to work on Docebo with the WebEX Meetings type.  We were finally able to the the WebEX Events to work (thanks to the tip by @nichole.chandler to switch to “Unlisted,” but the Meetings still won’t work.  We get an error synchronizing when trying to create an event on a course using the WebEx Meeting tool. 

Anyone else run into this?  Our WebEX Admins are digging through the old accounts that worked to see if we missed a setting on the new ones, but in case anyone else has seen this, I figured I would reach out to the Community...

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We tried Webex recently as well turns out if you are using SSO with Webex, you can not integrate V2 with Docebo.  You can still add a link, but no integration. 


Good afternoon, 

I am trying to get our Webex account integrated with Docebo however I am not sure what a Partner ID is or where I am supposed to find it. I have read over the KB articles but there isn’t sufficient guidance on this piece of information. Could someone point me in the right direction? 

Userlevel 5
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@ljahrens I went through what /you are going through a few months ago. Before you make yourself crazy are you using SSO with Webex? If so stop now as it will not integrate with Docebo. 


If you are not using SSO in Webex, you will need your webex Admin and possibly your service provider to give you some of this information. If you are the WEBEX admin for your site you can find most of it in the Admin control hub and management pages. Sadly how to get there and what the pages look like once you do have all changes since both Docebo and WEBEX created their support pages 😥 explaining how it works. 

If you are an admin, not using SSO and do want to go forward. Ping back. I am a WEBEX admin for our site and running the current code so at minimum I can guide you to the right places in the Hub. 
