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xAPI from Storyline360 not reporting quiz scores as expected

  • 20 October 2022
  • 6 replies


Greetings, all. 
I’m building out our first template for a series of xAPI files out of Storyline360.  Each will have a quiz component, generally 8-12 questions, each worth 1 point, folks need to get 65% correct or better to complete the course.  I’ve got most of it working, but when I import into Docebo and pass the quiz, in my Activities page it’s showing a combination of a percent and points (see below image).  Instead of saying I got 7 out of 8, it says 87.5 out of 8 in Statistics (in points), and instead of 87.5%, it shows 1093.75% in Statistics (in percent).  Any thoughts?   Oh - sort-of related, I’ve got the final button in the xAPI module set to ‘close lightbox’ to get back into the Docebo course, and that does not work at all.  Thanks in advance!



6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hey @kgmeloy!

This would be a great item to have our Support Team investigate through Chat or formal Support ticket.
Can you reach them with the same inquiry?

It will be important for you to include the name of the course, packaged zip file, and a test user who has yielded this outrageous percentage of a score. :) That way they can start reviewing and replicating immediately to try and understand exactly what may be occurring and share an answer.

Userlevel 2

Thanks @John! Will do… 

Userlevel 2

Follow up on this, the solution was to revert to Scorm. for some reason xAPI is being parsed strangely.  I tested the xAPI version in ScormCloud, and it reported the scoring as expected.  Support agreed using Scorm is the better way to go in this case.

If anyone else runs into this tho, I’d love to hear if you were able to make xAPI out of Storyline 360 work.  It appears system score variables (‘points available’, ‘user points’, ‘percent available’ and ‘user percent’) are somehow getting mixed n matched. 

Using Scorm isn’t a big problem, I was just hoping to use something a little more current.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Thanks for reporting back, you say it is the better way ‘in this case’ was there something specific for this case, or was it just trying to send quiz back to the LMS in general?

Userlevel 4

@kgmeloy @John  hey there, im just now exploring down this path, was just curious if a way around this would be to have the quiz live in Docebo instead? or publish the quiz as a separate scorm file perhaps?

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@generic name Breaking out the assessment and having the test in Docebo as it’s own Training Material could help isolate and simplify the score that’s reporting back (and aggregating overall). If you do go this route I’d be sure to start with a fresh course and avoid adding or updating an existing course with test results from say an xAPI or SCORM.
