I am used to mapping in a group because a person has been enrolled in a learning plan. Has anyone had luck to help filter out people that would be part of a “duplicate, snapshot” learning plan.
The use case is we have a contingent workforce that are working with us on a work order basis (and not a new employee /.term basis) - a person can have multiple work orders throughout the year and come and go….so I want to avoid deploying a n LP to a person that has already taken an equivalent “snapshot” learning plan .
The two LPs actually have the same learning objects - so that makes it easy - and the records are kind of clean - but if I can filter folks from the group side of the story? Then I believe I can avoid enrolling them again if they already took the content in question.
So by them not taking an LP or having these statuses with an LP? It is one of the pieces that will contribute to eligibility moving forward.