Am I crazy in thinking that the subscription/cost model is that much better than many other tools? I just looked at their price model for the New Adobe Captivate - not the older version….
And at 34$ a month - to subscribe to it - it may warrant a much deeper dive at it. Just curious.
FYI - I have used the original Captivate since it was a tool generated by Macromedia and it was a rebranding of Robodemo right up and through 2020 so I know the other side of Captivate.
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The price is indeed better than most from a subscription standpoint.
Currently - that price includes both the NEW Captivate as well as Captivate Classic - so they have branded it.
The NEW Captivate loses a great deal of flexibility as you are locked into their flow and templates. Responsive only projects at this point. They claim that eventually - the New Captivate will have all the functionality of the Old - eventually. Support for Classic is supposed to end 2027.
I actually moved away from Captivate as a direct result of the new product. Can’t even draw my own shape on the stage. Now it takes more clicks for me to do the same thing and in some cases I cannot do the same things at all.
I switched over to ActivePresenter and am extremely satisfied with product, price, and support.
Thanks @gstager - yeah - come to think of it - I think we have been chatting about this behind the scenes some.
We have been an Articulate shop at my newer gig since inception and with the whole generative AI injection into things, I feel like we are going to get milked from one side or the other. This question stems from
Let me guess - there is little investment going into Captivate classic anymore at this point...and that is really why I would keep my Articulate licensing going - to hold onto what I can pull off in Storyline that I just cannot pull off anywhere else other than Active Presenter / Captivate.
I am not a Storyline user but I would advise keeping it if the other choice is moving to the NEW Captivate. You will lose a ton of capability.
It is an unfinished product - plain and simple - I would wait several years yet before even considering another look at it myself.
All that said - I am grateful for the push away from it as it allowed me to discover AP which I think is the Captivate that everyone was asking for and never got from Adobe.
Thanks @gstager - I will take a look at Active Presenter - maybe the price point will drive me towards it. I have used Active Presenter in my travels. It was “ok”, but if it continued to get the love that a modern rapid development elearning tool needs (and you are saying - take a look), then it most probably deserves the review.
Some of this is coming from a close demo with our CSM of the newer AI authoring platform from Docebo. I think for young shops, it can be a reasonable fit, but for us, we are going to avoid the few boulders that we can detect before we implement something like it.
FWIW - Atomi Systems is working on an AI tool as well.
Personally - I have not bought into the whole AI thing yet. Still too much that it knows nothing about or gets completely wrong.
Sort of like text to speech. They claim that you save so much time but you don’t - at least I don’t.
I spend more time tweaking the text so that the speech can be read properly than I would just recording myself.
I spend too much time fact checking what AI hands me than it is worth at this point for me.
AI can whip up reasonable first drafts today - especially in spaces like quick animated video generation - when a subject matter expert is NOT bringing to the table their expertise - nothing beyond a few bullets. I feel like we almost cannot ignore them. But even there? Other than being able to generate something that would take me a day or two? I feel like the outputs are ok and need overhaul to get us to the next level.
Which is almost like a smart templating experience. What continues to come and how they will work with our IP and knowledge bases is going to make it really really intriguing.
I can see and appreciate the usefulness and speed in some subject areas but from my current position - I simply cannot rely on it. I develop training for specialty products that AI cannot comment on because it either knows nothing about it or perhaps only surface level information.
As for images and video - I like to ask about trampolining because that is an area of expertise for me and it seems AI struggles to even know what a trampoline is much less what a person jumping on one looks like.
I don’t have the time or patience right now to try and come up with “the perfect prompt”
I am not sure what this is but it certainly isn’t a person jumping on a trampoline.
Right - I uploaded a small public deck for us to upresenter. It really made a mess or over simplified with most slides - I told it to regenerate the infographic on one slide. It did - but both times the text is gibberish. And I am being charged credits with each prompt...which means...that eventually the freemium model exposes itself as a waste of time and value.
I would rather take the time and work out the design the old-fashioned way compared to iterative prompting.
As it stands - I personally cannot recommend any AI tool yet.
Remember AI auto tagging on this very platform…?
I would rather see improvements to other things before trying to implement more AI
I previously used Adobe Captivate prior to switching to Storyline/ Articulate. Before switching, I was a beta/ alpha tester for the New Captivate software but after slow updates ended up moving to Articulate.
They have a free trail you can download to test it out and see if it’s for you. While both platforms function similarly, I find that building courses using Rise in addition to some of the other Articulate applications to be a faster to produce content and share progress with stakeholders.
If you already use the Adobe suite, you can easily access your photoshop and other Adobe assets very easily with Captivate which was nice but content did not work as seamlessly as Articluate Rise/ SL and required a lot more troubleshooting to get interactions to work.
What do you use it for? Is it the same as Articulate?
@sabine.deliveroo Yes - Captivate would be a direct competitor in the eLearning authoring tool space with Articulate.
I have personally used it for 20+ years and have even done presentations on Captivate for Adobe.
Adobe recently made the decision to overhaul the product from the ground up. They’ve released and are promoting an unfinished product that strips away the freedom of the developer.
While there were a couple of improvements to be made - I still found the classic Captivate to be a great product. I feel they have gone backwards with the new version and so much so that I found myself unable to continue using it knowing that support for the one I preferred would end soon. I can no longer recommend it.