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Folks - happy Friday. I am running into a small problem with a live learning campaign. I have faced it in the past in other systems, but I am not exactly sure how to corner this one effectively.

I have an attestation at the end of a course - it is another learning object - that people seem to be missing. The first learning object is an off the shelf purchase.

What would you recommend as a way of delivering a getting started message to the learner inline in the course? Is there a widget that I can sneak up front that expresses “getting started” that will not impact people that are already underway.

The learning object (a Go1 “course”) I had to put into full window mode because of concerns with compatability.

#Iamstilllearning, #help, #TGIF

Hey @dklinger not sure I understand your scenario...are you saying that folks are not completing all learning objects in a course? can you provide a little more detail? Thx

@lrnlab- that is essentially it. They are not completing all the learning objects in a course. Because it is one that is off the shelf? It essentially finishes off and tells a person - hey you finished the course! And it is confusing people.

@dklinger can you just make your last object the “end object marker”? or perhaps you can use this setting and switch the order of your objects?


@lrnlab I have it set to Final Training Material locked. Which is the inverse of that one choice?

@dklinger ok but you should check the settings on your off-the-shelf course as it seems to be end object marker...could that be the issue?

@dklinger that was weird...on the message above, I got an error message and now I cannot edit it...

Will check….brb….lol.

All good…..

And let me further describe - that it isnt that the course is marking itself as completed - people are tripping all over that there is something else to do….and not moving on to doing it...If they slow down and read? I can add something to the learning plan, it can help - but I thought that the course container is the most appropriate place to message to the learner that they need to complete two things before the course is completed.

@dklinger yeah that’s sometimes tough to control so making that last object the end object marker could at least keep the course “in progress” so they would need to pay attention to the last object...would that help?
