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I am curious how others organize their learning material to best support learning.

Here is my scenario: 

  1. Large amount of learning resources (videos, slides, PDF, quizzes and certification exam)
  2. Multiple audiences with different requirements (NEW vs Experienced but new to company vs. Returning)

My objectives are to organize the training to:

  1. best utilizes adult learning theory to support actual learning and adoption
    1. keep it structured and well organized
    2. Not have a list so long that it becomes intimidating or discouraging at any given point
  2. make it audience specific 
    1. A New inspector with no experience and needing everything gets what they need in the order they need it
    2. An EXPERIENCED inspector only gets what they need, without all of the foundational material
    3. A RETURNING inspector who previously completed the training only gets UPDATE material (what has changed in the past year?)

I think I could use the following but would like others experience and ideas so I don’t create something unnecessarily difficult to maintain!

  1. CUSTOM Landing pages based on Groups that presents the Learning Plans they must complete in the ORDER to complete them.
    1. Once they have completed their Learning Plans they would be moved to the Inspector group that has just the general landing page with announcements, references, new courses, updates, continued training, etc. 
  2. Is there a way to make a pre-requisite for a Learning Plan?  I looked, and didn’t see one, but I may have overlooked it.
  3. Organize Learning Plans organized by Courses which are organized using folders so that there is not any list longer than 20? items
    1. How many items is too many?  Too intimidating to complete? 
      1. I don’t think it is strictly based on TIME, because a learner doesn’t know how long it will take them, they would just see a long list. 
      2. It is finding that balance where the list isn’t too long and intimidating, but the items are small enough to provide a sense of accomplishment and encouragement.
  4. What is the balance between the complexity of the design (and therefore MAINTENANCE and ADMINISTRATION headaches) and benefits to the learners?

I will share some of my ideas, please share yours.

Background: I come from a higher education environment and often still think in line of College > Department > Major > Courses in organization, but I now work for a business and have had to shift to Branch > Group > Learning Plan > Course.  I know, they’re parallel, but I think there is more freedom for creative structure/organization in business. I want to be able to think outside the box.

Hi There! I don’t have a helpful answer but I’m struggling with a similar issue. What did you end up doing? 

Some thoughts.

  1. Structuring a web site or learning site surfaces some of the same challenges.
    1. a need to order your information into a type of information hierarchy
    2. a call to action block that can rotate (to address your home page being a prime real-estate)
    3. a basic set of “nodes” or levels to your navigation to support depth.
    4. predictable on page experiences to support the UX (featured learning, leaderboards,
  2. UX should support your business structures.
  3. UX should support searching and business function (monitoring staff)
  4. Getting people to learning materials? There is a trifecta of detail that you cannot go wrong with if you are supporting “catalog stacks” or pages that dedicate themselves to catalogs: role - location - topic
    1. Each top topic can nicely support subs
    2. And can support cross referencing
  5. Consideration for effective pushing experiences (assigned learning should be super-easy to get to) or support for pulling experiences (with featured learning catalogs, calls to action) via search and navigation

I think if you think out your nodes carefully? Write up a spec and stick to it? You can be good with your approach for years.

My advice - dont get stuck on your catalog experience. Stick to your guns, document and support an approach so that you can call what you are doing a  standard.

Then as you slowly lose your battles to folks wanting to tell you what should be on the front page? You should gather detail to make another information hierarchy that supports your next layer of needs.

Hope the ramblings help in one way or another.

Hi all, Giulio here from Docebo’s product team.
Docebo’s product team is gathering your thoughts and feedback on improving the Learning Experience (Pages & Menus) creation & management process.

Please take this survey to tell us about your needs, priorities, and challenges in creating and managing Learning Experiences.


The original Feedback request is on this page:


