We need our Course developers to understand what the impact is if we upload new content to a course and I am looking for ideas as to how to explain this to them. We need them to understand how changing a PDF to an elearning for example will effect the course and a learning plan in terms of course completions. Does anybody have any ideas for the best way to present this information?
E.g. if I complete a course consisting of 10 videos and then someone changes one of the videos (reuploads it or whatever), my course will still remain completed but the course progress will be at 90%.
Also, changing one training material will not affect learning plans in any way but adding or removing courses from it will affect the completion %.
Wow, You mean that changes to content affect previous completions?!? You cant version the course so that the changes only impact new enrollments???
Wow, You mean that changes to content affect previous completions?!? You cant version the course so that the changes only impact new enrollments???
Along the same lines, if I have an elearning course that consists solely of a single SCORM element (such as an Articulate Storyline course), and an enrolled user who is currently “in progress” in the Enrollment Report, does the user status revert to “not yet started” when I update the course?
- Use Case 1: I simply overwrite the SCORM with the new version
- User Case 2: I hide version 1 of the SCORM, and add version 2.
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