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I’m curious to know how others use the “tutor” enrollment level. 

We use it for our trainers in training because they attend classes not as students and not as instructors. 

It used to be very easy to see this kind of enrollment, but with the recent releases, this level of enrollee is hard to distinguish. Our instructors need to see who is a tutor in their class and who is a student. 

Is anyone else frustrated by this change in functionality?

Hey Holly! 


Great question. I would say the main user of the “tutor user level” would be for those users to be able to moderate forums if the forum widget is activated in the course. You can also find more information around user levels roles and statuses here 


What has specifically changed in the functionality? what do your instructors need to see?



When we train new instructors, they are required to sit through the course they are training to teach and we designate them as tutors. They have already formally completed the course, so the second time through they do not need to be graded or evaluated. But on the new evaluation and attendance windows, there’s no “level” column or filter, so it’s impossible to tell who is a tutor in the class and who is a learner. This existed in the older version. Not having this visibility can take a lot of extra time for evaluations. 

I see that now Holly. Thank you for clarifying that for me! It looks like some people have already suggested this for ILT attendance improvements under this idea but I would suggest opening a new one for this specific scenario so our product team can have visibility. 

Thank you!

Thanks, I’ve submitted it.  LMS-I-5109 

Awesome, thanks!

Hey Holly! 


Great question. I would say the main user of the “tutor user level” would be for those users to be able to moderate forums if the forum widget is activated in the course. You can also find more information around user levels roles and statuses here 


What has specifically changed in the functionality? what do your instructors need to see?



The ability to moderate forums is a nice idea, but it’s somewhat useless since you can’t get notifications from a forum unless you have participated in the forum before.This means our moderators have to comment on each and every forum in order to get any notifications for further moderation. A really poor user experience, in my opinion.
