Is it possible to add additional fields to the self registration form?
Hello, is it possible you can utilized additional fields when self registering? For us, it’s important that the user enters a branch code, plus selecting an additional field from either a drop list or predetermined.
We have automatic rules setup for users who enter a specific group, along with a specific additional field.
thank you,
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I sort of found my answer. I enabled “Apply additional fields visibility based on branch nodes. And went into the specific branch and chose to show additional fields and they now show up on the form. If i missed something here please let me know.
Thank you,
@ncassella great question. You can allow users to fill out additional field information without using the Apply additional fields visibility based on branch nodes setting. Without this setting checked in advanced settings, any User Additional Field that is set to Invisible to the User = No will show up in the Additional Fields module of the user self-registration page when learners register for your platform. Any fields marked as Mandatory = Yes will be shown as Required in the Additional Fields module. See the following screenshot for an example of this page.
In the above example, Company Name, My Use Case Is:, State, and City are all set as Invisible to the User = No, and Company Name is set as Mandatory = Yes.
Using the Apply additional fields visibility based on branch nodes, only the additional fields that are set as visible for the specific branch the user is in will show to that user. For this reason, I also recommend you to configure registration code usage in your platform so that learners can specify which branch they’re in during registration. You can do so by navigating to Admin Menu > Advanced Settings > Self-registration > Registration code usage. This Knowledge Article has more info on this topic.
In summary, you have two options:
Have all users fill out the same additional fields upon registration
Have users fill out specific additional fields based on the branch to which they’re associated